Warrior thralls, pets, mounts - gone after patch

Hi all,
am I missing smth or there is a bug with missing combat thralls/pets and mounts?
They were all in place today before patch goes live, now all I have left is a rat companion. All other gone - warriors, animals, horses, werewolf from event - but rat is still there.
Nothing in log about their disappearance.
Was there any information about combat thralls and what do to with/prepare them BEFORE patch goes live (and what I didn’t do) or it is a bug?


Could you check if you’re able to find these missing thralls/pets in your inventory?

Thanks for your attention - They aren’t in my inventory - and I had free slots before patch goes live. Also my ticket was closed by zendesk (labelled “solved”) instantly after I sent it. Besides why single animal companion (rat) and dancer/performer are still active (turned out I have one of those on followers list - all other dancers gone)?

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8 of our followers are missing after the patch, nothing in the logs.
No way to tell who disappeared
very annoying

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all barkeepers are missing

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Maybe they went over to your neighbors base :man_shrugging:They heard the grass was greener.

Well jokes aside - I have (had) over 60 followers, only to end up with @#$@# rat. Giant werewolf from event is for example gone, skeletons from shaman perk era gone, bunch of named bearers gone - not to mention levelled warriors and their gear.
Tbh I can live with loosing them, but prefer to decide myself whether to remove them or not.


Just logged in

I checked my Tavern and my zamorian barkeeper has been removed
It doesnt appear in the follower list and no related message in the server log

Fortunatelly all other thralls (fighters, dancers and bearers) are alive.

What’s your problem?


Thank you for everyone’s input.

I will need a bit more information to pass this along to the relevant team.

  • What platform do you play on?
  • What is the server type? (PvE, PvE-C, PvP)
  • What is the Game Mode? (Online Official, Private, SinglePlayer, Co-op)
  • If you play on an Official Server, could you please give us the server number?

Thank you in advance for helping us with this issue!

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PC, PVE-C, Online official #1036
all Barkeeps have been removed

PC, PVE Online Official #1020

issue: barkeeper removed

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PC/Steam, 1043 PvE-C official server, relevant ticket auto closed after creation id #211195

All (well nearly all - 1 dancer and 1 rat left) followers are gone - fighters, archers, bartenders, performers, animals, horses, camel, undead etc. No entries in log regarding this, decay is not an issue (since those two followers are active).

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PC, PVE Online Official #1005

issue: The four barkeeper removed.

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Happened on my private servers too. Looks like another “glorious” update by Funcom :smiley:

Looks to me like FC team was campin the launch, saw the problem and fixed it but there were several players who logged on before they could fix it. Because it appears everyone who logged on after they fixed it only lost barkeep(s)…which I speculate is how they fix the falling through the floor bug.

So @ Funcom, if you’re going to roll back the servers again please do so before 5pm ET (US). Please. :pray:

All bartenders on all servers, do roll back asap,please test thease updates.

Btw can you clarify why tickets are automatically closed? Zendesk isn’t responsible of handling them anymore?

my god; This is my nightmare. I hope the same thing didn’t happen to me. Many people’s slaves escaped. I set up a table, bed, chair and simple campfire for my slaves. I don’t know if it’s enough.