We don't need female only clothing and armor options (spoilers)

People whom thinks we do need to relook at all armor sets. There are many armor sets that looks different on female exiles. Beat the witch queen unlocks an armor set that clearly was for female exiles. You have to learn the armor recipe.

Matter of opinion.

The other thread asked for a bit more of a distinction between male & female armours, not the exclusion of their male counterparts.


I know that you guys are lusting for this one to get into the base game:

Ugh, no
 if there’s one thing I detest it’s the ‘sexy’ armour mods on the workshop.


Urgh. I cannot imagine the pain of wearing a metallic chest guard.
It is already a pain to wear a plastic chest protector when you do fencing, this top sure looks like a challenge compared to the flat one we have curently in game.
A beautiful bottom part though, I love it.

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You will regret your narrow-minded opinion on male/female clothing styles when his hawkpeople will descend on you.


Nice armor in the middle.

Male and female armor is going to have to be cut differently, but they don’t actually need to be different styles.
Then again I think the game needs masculine and feminine styles of armor but to fit both male and female characters. If I want my female thrall exposed in Stygian raider armor, I should have the option. And vice versa.


I don’t see the issue here. I see two different styles for the armor. Female variant and male variant.

So nothing wrong.

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Really? That is a masculine and a feminine style of the armor. I think each style should be available for each gender. Maybe I feel it’s indecent for a man to expose himself in such a manor.

So you basically want the bare female breasts to flop out of that little gap.

Horny grandpa detected.

But you are in luck, modders might make that reality for you, just like the “Sexy Silent Legion” armor mod that I posted.

Oh, I understand what you mean. Equality of genders. Showing for both or showing for none.
I have to admit, on this specific armor, the man’s gear looks very sexualized compared to the woman’s.
It could have been full instead of a bustier.

You can take it the other way. Maybe the gold bikini top should be available for males as well, and not just the nipple rings, or

None the less sort of agreeing with the OP armor needs to be more androgynous. “But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being crude” I like a masculine feminine style, but available for both genders.

Old man well past any of that making a difference :older_man:

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Not certain this one entirely understands the Crux.

This one’s preference is that male vs female in outfit styles should mostly match.
Stygian raider is good, in this one’s opinion. The only real difference is two strips over the chest.
Darfari is awkward due to lore issues, but is entirely understandable given the realities of the esrb ect

The Noble and Tavern keeper sets are
 Outside what this one would prefer. The skirt vs pants on the Tavern keeper is sorta irksome, especially as the pants would be very good for adventure. The Male vs Female noble outfits are completely different.

One major issue this one very much finds frustrating is when the male vs female sets have different, or especially a different number of, dye channels.

In the case of stripper outfits, it’s understandable if there is greater difference. Bejeweled chains for example.
But when the female is dance outfit and the male is a full garment it’s very irksome (noble).

I am in favor of more armors, regardless of mix, as long as there is a mix. Sometimes, you want a tough warrior lady, other times, you want a harlot
. Both fine for a Conan game.

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I hate skimpy armors. They sexualized both genders and cause poor body image for both genders.

This is a game based on the Conan universe. I’m not sure you quite understand how all that works. They’re all “perfect” and pretty much half (or fully) naked. Maintaining respect for the player’s body image shouldn’t be a factor in the design of it.


Then may I suggest you simply do not wear them? That is the beauty of Conan Exiles, we have a wide and diverse array of armors available for people to choose from. Dress your characters according to your own tastes and preferences and leave other members to do the same.

Ps- Hi Bryan!


Therein lies the rub doesn’t it? Its not about it being available to them or not. They do not want it available to you or I.


They are easy not to use.

However, sexualized is standard for the genre.
Let’s play a boomer shooter but avoid glorifying gun violence
 see, that doesn’t work well.
That it is equal opportunity is a strong mark in it’s favour.
Further, we have excellent sets that aren’t stripper suits at many tiers and weight groups. Silent Legion Medium is probably this one’s favourite. The Nemedian, Khitan, Turanian, and Yamatai sets are all quite functional. Cimmeran Steel in heavy and medium is very practical. Shemite clothes are also quite modest.

As for body issues

That is a very challenging subject. We can only play with the hand we are delt. And even then, rough events can conspire to diminish us over the years (well, often expanding us in volume while diminishing our prowess, crippling injuries are not fun). This is compounded by a pervasive campaign of learned helplessness that seems to usurp what agency we do have over ourselves into a nadir of despair and defeat. Being able to separate reality from fantasy is the Crux of responsible enjoyment of fiction.
Catching oneself in a flying leap off a cliff with one hand is not at all realistic. Let that inform other standard of comparison.

At the end of the day, we must keep in mind, we are talking about a game with an in built phallus size slider.