We need more racial diversity in isle of sipath

You know it’s a game, it doesn’t have to be sooo perfect in lore or whatever, it just have to sutisfy players. We have to accept that because something do not touch you that doesn’t mean you don’t have to understand the persons that has the issue. So as we are costumers, they are too. As we are players, they are too. For me Argosean dlc was enough, but hey, I don’t know a lot of games honoring Greek culture. Yet, I have npcs with Greek names, I am more than covered. So since Asian member make complaints about it some time now and their market is… Greater, maybe the company should stand and think of it for awhile, after all everyone would had benefits from it… I guess :man_shrugging:.
But what “bothers” me more is the kind approach of their request, this is something beautiful, so I totally support them. Shoot me :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Maybe the next map could be in the Asian region and problems are solved. Sort of like they did in Age of Conan with the Rise of the Godslayer Expansion.


I would like to see more otherworldly npcs also though I think I am not on the same idea as you. Please let me know.

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I agree with this

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Not all cultures sail the deep sea. It makes perfect sense for the Black Hand, since they’re pirates. Asian countries irl did not sail far away from land until Europeans landed there. I don’t know the Conan cultures that well yet, so I don’t know what ones would and would not sail deep seas.

As for the Exiled Lands, I don’t know who it is that uses it as a prison and put us all there. Again, maybe some cultures use it, and some don’t.

The rifts on Siptah are a different matter. If they’re pulling people from everywhere, then there should definitely be more variety. But I don’t know if they are pulling from everywhere, from exiled lands or from a limited area.

I love how hard they’ve worked to stick as closely as possible to the established lore. Too many “creators” nowadays take something better people have created and ruin it by trying to “make it their own”. Funcom has done an awesome job. Even things I assumed were just for the game (like radium torches) are mentioned by name in the books. I LOVE that!


Merry Christmas my dear friend, always a pleasure to chat with you. I am pretty sure that some things added very carefully, without degenerating the lore. I said it a lot of times that when it comes to lore I am useless, all I ever learned about the lore is from some extraordinary members here. So reading some posts here I have seen these delicate adds to the game. The closest I remember was the conversation about the Arena champion. @JJDancer made a wonderful fiction story about it but she got attacked for it. You know, the only reason we play games or read fiction stories is “this”. “this” means, we trigger our own fantasy, in a creative way, totally harmful for all the others, helping us escape our own reality. “this” is a win. I really enjoy every single story @fito the extraordinary made, I am pretty sure he could fix a story of a merchant ship that sailed for days in a wild weather, in a wild sea and crashed in an island…
It’s fiction, so let your mind go…


It pull people out of EL. That was the original idea: the freed exiled slaves are thrown out. At least this is the map that is displayed in the sky.


Good point. Very good point. We also have no idea how many areas there are to pull from.

Ever hear of the Polynesians? They were master sailors who took to the seas WELL before any Europeans came along to interfere with them.

You could theorize that the Dragon-Sons of Kambuja may be able to tap into these rifts to send their most dangerous criminals to (or political criminals) to the Isle of Siptah (even if they don’t exactly know where they are sending them). They were the elite mages of the Kambujan society second only to the God Emperor himself. So, there is a way in for some Kambujan NPC’s or even PC’s.

Yeah, they have also done some wildly inconsistent and terrible things as well. Over all I do give them a ton of credit but not everything they had done has been stellar in the least.


Okay, I’ll admit my ignorance when it comes to ancient Asia at large. I mostly have studied a bit of ancient Japan. I’ve never heard of the others going over seas, but I don’t claim to be omnipotent (or even very educated).

Sorry to the ancient Chinese and Polynesian sailors, and any other Asian countries who sailed over seas a thousand years ago or so.


I will speak from my own side only…
We all know the gifts of ancient Greek civilization to all the western society.
From a child in schools I was teached about how great was Greece, to give lights of science and politism globally blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…
Every single country is teaching their children as they are the best and no other. Our religion is the best and no other, so our country is the best and no other…
Well, this is a nice fairytale for children. I even had to go to army because in my Country is an obligation. And again repeat all these bullish. t. But these days are long gone my friend. If I stick to all these teachings, staying blind it wouldn’t be their fault, but mine only.
I do respect the heritage I have from my ancestors but this is something different. Other civilizations flourish before the ancient Greek and did wonders, but, they were not western, so in our schools we just pass them by really fast. You have to go to University to learn more or do you own research, but most of all keep your eyes and your ears open. This is what I did, since I didn’t go to university, I did my own humble research and I left my self open for knowledge.
Thank God now we have internet, a giant source of information instantly in our hands. My children has no excuse to stay blind anymore, so I won’t allow it and I will do my best to open their eyes too.
Thank God we have online gaming and we play with people all around the world, meeting new people from different countries, realizing that we suffer from the same problems.
Thank God I find this forum, chatting with people all around the world breaking taboos.
I am free.


Ability is not the same as will though. It’s like the moon landings. We have the ability, but for some strange reason haven’t gone back to double check for martians or invaders from the fifth dimension since the early '70s.

Similarly, China did go through a period where global exploration was discouraged, choosing instead to stick to already established and more local trade routes.

In case you are interested the Polynesian sailors are (and this is still being debated but there is a bit of evidence to support it) said to have made contact with the First Peoples of the Americas as far back as 800 years ago which predates the voyages of Columbus. Polynesian peoples of places such as Rapa Nui (Easter Isle) and other islands show DNA evidence to support this. There is also the fact that the sweet potato plant (native to South America) started to show up in Polynesian Islands (the South American word was “kumara” and the Polynesian word was “kuumala”). Just some food for thought (pun intended :stuck_out_tongue: ).


Yes, the internet was meant to be a huge help system. But, unfortunately, now it is mostly a trash heap of fakes, falsifications and fantasies on any topic. Great skills are needed to understand whether the information found is reliable or whether it is a rumor, fake, or invention.

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I don’t use social media :wink:, I have no accounts. I use the Wikipedia page for history knowledge . My wife has accounts and she is telling me sometimes what she reads and I am laughing. I remember the platform for vaccination to persons in my age started on April. So I said to her to arrange me an appointment. The whole April passed and she mentioned nothing about the appointment. So I asked her at the beginning of May what is going on? She said to me that she didn’t do the appointment and she wasn’t intent to do it because in Facebook…
I stopped immediately the conversation and I went to arrange my own appointment.
The next day she arranged her appointment too.
You know my wife is housekeeping, I work all the day out in constructions meeting new people and entering stores. I couldn’t risk not to vaccinate.
I am not saying that I am right…
I am not saying I am sure…
But, I am too old to go against the river.


You are absolutely right about vaccinations. Trust me, I’m a microbiologist.


And people think I am strange because I don’t have any social media accounts. :stuck_out_tongue: Glad I am not the only one here.

Wikipedia is a decent place to start, but it is not a great place to truly learn. As it is “user edited” it can be wildly inaccurate and so you have to check the sources cited.

When it comes to anything science related (Vaccines included), always read the peer reviewed material if you want accurate information. New stories are worthless, even from “trusted media outlets” they are frankly just terrible at reporting things about science. In your case @stelagel, you made the right call.


In cases that has to do with me and my familys future I trust only my guts (mea culpa) . I know very well that good and evil in this world are brothers, you can’t have one without the other, but both of them work for the same cause whitch is balance.
In terms of history I know 2 things…
1st, it is always written from the winners.
2nd, it is here to give examples so we can learn about it and from it, but not to absolutely guide our way.
No history book can give you all the details, you can’t ask the dead, only the living. Or you can presume how things happened.
Plus every single person experience things differently, or speaks from a side…
So in the part of trust I always leave space open, but without becoming suspicious or denier.
After all… Everybody is right :wink:.

This is as close to social media as I get.


Thank you for this thread ^^
I recently thought what a shame it is to see no (east) asian NPCs in Conan Exiles. Even if it is unlikely for some Vendhyan merchants to get stranded on the Isle of Siptah it’s not impossible. :wink:

Oh and staying away from social media is one of the healthiest things you can do in our times imo.