Weapon updates and animations

Are two handed swords working as intended? So no more sunder or cripple when using them? In general I feel like the weapons got nerfed hard and don’t like the changes. Everything is too slow.


Yeah, two handers are broken now. Heavy combos get interrupted because they are too slow in their new animations.

Also, is anyone else extremely disappointed with the two handed axe? I mean great concept…but wow, its pathetic. Slow as molasses in January, and poor damage. I compared it to a hammer I was using, and having 20 grit, I could kill level 2 fighters in the volcano in one combo, using half stamina. The axe did kill it too, but it used all my stamina, and both weapons had 63 damage. For something that slow (and that can be interrupted) it needs to be at least at 1.5-2x the damage output.

The short sword, Im not even taking in combat. Seriously lacking in different attacks.

These weapons look like they were rushed into the game without much testing.


I have to agree - was only testing in single player but man, the greatsword feels like a serious step back.

Has there been changes to stagger? Fighting 3-4 foes at asgarth and the mounds with greatsword, the horizontal swing was great, BUT there was like zero stagger, i couldnt get a slice in without at least 2 enemies being able to hit me.

Likewise, the spear feels like it’s been also further narrowed in its attack to the point where it’s nigh on impossible to take on even 3 enemies at once. The moveset on the battleaxe is just bizarre and feels awkward, slow and horrible.

Funnily enough the only weapon i was finding to work well was axe and shield - second to this longsword and shield. The short sword looks nice with its animations, but short of attacking a single target I really cant imagine ever using it.

The greatsword is basically unusable at the moment.

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I’m not so concerned about the new weapons despite finding the battleaxe moveset to feel beyond horrible - but i am bigtime concerned at how the spear and greatsword feel to use now - both basically horrendous against npcs.

very very very small summary

Tried out the short sword.

deceptively covers a lot of ground despite the lack of varied moves. thrusts and vertical slides, highly linear attacks as advertised. can see myself putting in hours with the weapon, will look to see what legendaries will come out of it ( +5 grit would be a added bonus),

the great axe is just not for me. the Beyblade whirling attack doesn’t do it for me personally, maybe for some one else probably.

greatsword = anhillator overhead chop pretty much is a one shot attack, pls fix

i really, really, really hate the short swords weapon models, i don’t know who had the brilliant idea to import generic mmo stuff into this game but i don’t want it, please funcom, even if you use same weapon models, some of them are way better than this… i mean if this was WoW they would be “ok” but this is not that kind of aesthetic.

I like the new animations and weapon “focus” (single or multiple targets) but i don’t understand why they have to keep you moving forward. two handed axes are a joke, you have to do better on this one, there is plenty of cool anymations for two handed weapons and polearms in Age of conan, surely you can take something from there.

Dagger heavy attack animation is partly from aoc assassins grim corruption so I do not know why not use more animations from AOC :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d settle for this. Plus Alex figures into the storyline.


I agree. After testing two handed weapons the hyper armor they used to grant has been completely removed. I don’t really see the point of making two handed weapon animations more aoe orientated if they swing slower and can be interrupted.

One handed axe still has the gap closer, the fourth animation and seems to do more damage than large weapons.

Nah i dont believe greatsword or spear ever had hyper armour. The issue isnt you as a player getting interupted, it’s that you as a player with those two weapons can now NOT strike the enemies before they’re already into their attack animation. Previously you could stagger them (or whatever its called) so you could get a few hits in before they could make contact, now with the greatsword it’s basically impossible to hit a group without them hitting you (and consequencly hitting you again) as the attack has been slowed.

It’s worse with the spear - not only slower to strike (so get hit also) but a much tighter thrust so you now cant hit multiple enemies in front of you. It effectively makes the spear utterly useless against multiple enemies

Well as i said above - you’re not getting interupted by their attacks, you’re just plain not able to get in and hit them first and interrupt them like you could previously. Because you cant avoid the first hit, by the time you land your first into second, your’e copping their second. With 3-4 opponents this is a nasty combination.

It’s possible it’s not just a slower weapon but a change to interrupts. The short sword seems to have zero interupt meaning they’re free to hit you because you’re not affecting/staggering them at all.

tried abit more with the short sword.

current short sword weapons are average at best, its all fun and games until the legendries come out to play. i.e. lying bastard sword/axe.

you can hit them, but the damage trade off is non-existent, you just be out dps’ed by the axe every time.

still like the weapon though, but the limitations are definitely glaring.

When it comes to new two-handed sword animation, I’m impressed, it looks so cool, but it’s harder to make a combination without being hit by an opponent.

If they change other weapon animations, the fight will be more tactical and cooler. A small break in the animation gives you time to think and react or search for oncoming enemies.

If this is the plan, I’m very excited to see that. But if not, the fight will be a little unbalanced / unfair.

The reason why the one handed axe feel good is cause they didn’t touch it


I played a lot with two handed sword and it definitely had hyper armor. Starting from the second animation with heavy attack I could keep swing through elephant charges and stomps. One handed weapons could be interrupted if attacked by multiple enemies. It’s been this way for a long time.


I don’t know if it had hyper armor or not, but swinging thru the stomp and charge may more have been a cheesy bug than hyper armor. The best way to test for hyper armor is to fight another player, and see if they can interrupt your attack (light Hammer attack is hyper armored, so they should use that to insure they get off an attack themselves during your combo).

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

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Hopefully remains untouched

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I haven’t had a chance to play too much since the patch but I’ll echo the sentiment that a lot of the new attacks just feel way too slow. Something else I have noticed but I’m not fully certain of yet is that there might be something off with the root motion of the third heavy attack for greatsword (the one with the spin) - used to be that it would reliably hit twice throughout the playback of the animation but now it seems like the first hit pushes the enemy back ever so slightly though the forward movement from the spin isn’t there anymore and so the second hit never connects.

In pvp as long as the player with two handed sword started the chain before the other player it would indeed have been uninterruptible. Not sure why this has been removed.

the spin has been scrapped along with the fourth attack for two handed sword.