…Just logged in after 2 days and 4 bases of my 7 are gone,
worked since 8 may on those, solo, every day, and ran all bases every day with my hammer in hand to prevent decay from getting me by mistake, as i worked my butt of for it.
It did get me thom when i did not log in that server for two days.
They where @ 144 because i checked all builds every day.
Months of grinding. all the love for the bases and the detail you put in it.
Just stood there watching the floating thralls and a table.
Im used to these dissapointements from FC by now, but its still a very, very hard pill to swallow.
Final release ey, after i sat through the FC escapades during EA i would have hoped to be able to trust FC in saying the game was Final.
sorry but im really sad and dissapointed losing all my stuff to decayhunters when i did all to prevent the buggy game to get it from me.