Well-Trained vs War Party for Age of War?

Going to try a necromancer with well trained and get 3 zombies going but RL time is always a pain point. I am thinking the 3 zombie approach is going to whomp hard on all manner of things.

I’m joking, @Keldy . :smile:
It’s because she’s very rare. I haven’t seen one in ages!

Oh… boo… :frowning: that’s exactly why I stopped using them. Stacking doesn’t keep everything well organized and I don’t like changing up my view too much since it carries over to everything. :confused:

Anyway, back on topic, I still don’t much care for war party. I wanted to like it, but I really can’t. I like sheer power and survivability over anything else.

The big difference in the AoW is that the frequent disconnects are gone. I was about to change out of Well-Trained because my thrall was regularly loosing hit points after a disconnect, and then eating large chunks of their food regaining health after I put them on follow again.

I spent a week looking for it myself the first time, now I have two (just in case)
It took 3 of us 14 days to find a Derketo priestess …this one is rare

There are worse things to get in the game, you can spend a year or more looking for some of them.

I know what you’re saying, @Keldy . I had to camp outside the pagoda for days until I finally got one t4 priest.
Even so, I haven’t seen a Lianeele for ages. Bad rng.

I’ve spent over a year trying to get Syra Brennerhet (after losing her due to the server merge). Two of her spawns were replaced by sorcerers. She’s far rarer than Lianeele, and probably most every other thrall.

yeah you can say that practically any thrall with 1-2 spawn points and wirth few % chance is (censored) hard to get.
I got Syra recently for a friend who wanted some “combat” bard but it was pure luck to find her in that one place where she can be and shared by x others .
I saw that she has the same coefficient as Lianelle but less HP according to the table on the net.
But of course Lianelle is prettier :slight_smile:

Agreed… but I need her in my collection again. :expressionless:

There is (or was) a Votaries entertainer!? Never saw that one.

The Wiki says there’s no spawn point left for her.

may spawn at Oracle, but it’s a long shot

Yeah… that’s a goner. The probabilities of getting her online are slim to none.

Both- i swap back and forth depending on my mood.

Im good with both mechanics now.

Also getting good at avoiding hits even in heavy gear.

When comparing War Party and Well Trained, one has to also include non-numeric differences.

Well-trained Thralls hit like a truck. Their DPS may be higher than that of two war-partied-thralls, especially if you also use equipment and buffs to increase thrall damage.

War-partied thralls, however…
… stagger more,
… allow to use different utilities, e. g. a bearer thrall and an entertainer for farming runs, or a fighter and an entertainer to fight in corrupted areas and
… stack different debuffs and dots, e. g. one thralls with a poisioned and one with a bleed weapon.

Well-trained thralls…
… use up less space, i. e. block your path less often,
… need less equipment and
… are less in danger of being killed at low levels.

Personally, I prefer war party, as it allows to level two thralls at the same time. Also, the player character seems like less of a whimp when accompanied by two less powerful thralls instead of one super-human.

I would just add on the pros that when you have two thralls the opponent can hardly break their attack, solo thrall can be beaten, with two always at least one fights back
Moreover, when playing online in the evening I can easily take an archer into the party (who would normally be more of a liability due to how poorly balanced they are) but archers fight (shoot) even when the servers practically “shut down” the normal AI because they can’t keep up

so yes …Well trained is better
when you have a low-level thrall
you don’t have epic armor and gear.
thrall is from a weaker faction
You’re a DPS geek.
You don’t like big crowds.

War party is better
For elite thralls with top gear
For players used to playing games where you have a squad of diverse characters
You want to have some fun, not just watch your boring OP sidekick slaughter everything by himself

I love those. I just prefer them turn-based, like Jagged Alliance.

I always sucked at Dragon Age and Mass Effect because I had to interrupt the action to order my pals around. (Admittedly, I sucked at Mass Effect so badly that I just sat back and let my companions do the fighting. Luckily they weren’t useless if left to their own devices.)

Jagged aliance 3 launch today

Wait, hold on. This ain’t correct, bearers aren’t fragile?

I’m new, so I might have missed something here, but from what I’ve gathered and experienced, there is absolutely no difference in armor/mitigation between any of the thrall types, you just need luck in level-up percentage of grit(?), and put on some decent gear.

Add the bearers’ best multiplier for vitality->health, and there’s your tank, if you want.

I just finished my first playthrough, lost my two fighters (yes, war party :P) searching for the last dungeon in the volcano. I decided to give my two trusted bearers a chance, the only ones left at almost top level, before having to leveling more warriors to the cause.

At 8k and 14k health with heavy armor, they had absolutely no challenge in tanking the dungeon… twice. I never found the boss first time, and realized it’s a bug that prevents him from spawning. facepalm

They are “terrible” damage dealers, but equipped with daggers, they do decent with bleeds, and keep most mobs busy while you backstab.

Many enemies can still stagger ur thrall so I like to use warparty, but haven’t tried all new stuff yet.

All I can say is that I like this new stuff :star_struck:

Yeah, I used the wrong word. They are weak, meaning they hit like wet noodles.
This means even a high hp won’t make their life easy if they have to fight, because they’ll take ages to finish a fight. As their melee dmg modifiers are bellow 1, they will lower the actual base dmg of the weapon.
You can mitigate this with the right perks, but they are not a good choice to fight. This doesn’t mean you can’t use two of them. In most places, they are enough, as long as you do the killing.