What a wild ride. 5years and 11k hours

i am not on support of bans for over building either. I was just pointing out why the entire clan suffers. By proxy alts would be a norm for clans to break ToS rules and/or use exploits. I mean it kind o fhappens now, but at least they have to work around being ourside of a clan. Making itveasier only promotes abusing alts more.


I would also say there is no consistency in reporting. Some folks see it as snitching (the macho, I handle things on my own with dragonpowder and avatars), others see it as a means to leverage (Aholes that wonā€™t be affected at all by clarifications. They will continue to report because why not? itā€™s not costing them anything and the end result would be eventual meaning the time in reporting is worth it) , and there are various folks in between.

The biggest thing is that if itā€™s not reported on, it will not get reviewed and that is regardless on how anyone feels about player reporting vs active admin monitoring.


But IMO, thatā€™s why itā€™s Fā€™ed up in the first place. Itā€™s true for servers and you see it here in the forums too.

You canā€™t give players power over other players and you canā€™t give forum members power over other forum members. Flags, reports, anything like that, WAY WAY more than half the time it is just used for petty ends. Where a game company gets an insane idea like this I dunno but itā€™s not worked, itā€™s not working, and itā€™ll never work - until we ALL become perfect angels or something - and that just ainā€™t happening! :innocent: :discopug:

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Itā€™s like citizen enforcement laws like California prop 65. Where people are sued if breaking the law by other citizens and a judge decides. The law get more and more codified as each case gets resolved.

Hey when Funcom Develops a system that lets you make anything anywhere, with no upkeep. then punishes you for abiding by their laws.
Makes sense to me How dear you do what the game allows you to do.

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Uh oh, looks like someone forgot that thereā€™s more than just officials again.

Yes, you absolutely can build wherever and whatever you want. On singleplayer, or your own server. Official servers are a public shared space provided as a courtesy, all they ask is you donā€™t defecate in the sandbox when other people are in the park. However, some people seem to lack that self controlā€¦


Greetings Everyone,

Remember to always check our official server guidelines if you are unsure if your structures may be in conflict with our rules.

We also have this thread with some additional explanations on claim spam. Weā€™re also working on adding even more details on content block and large bases that affect the server performance so please keep an eye out for that.

As always if you are unsure why your account is suspended or banned please feel free to reach out to our team over on Zendesk as they will be able to provide you with additional information.