Cheaters running free without any kind of consequences.
Broken mechanics that doesnt makes any kind of sense such as Purge being a tower defense.
Bazaar prices, don’t get me started.
Removal of BattlePass because -Greed is good-
The state of PvP, where only Claws, Hammers or BOW are viable (Don’t
talk about this, roleplayer…I don’t care if you can make 1h mace viable when you play agaisnt Little Jimmy with 12 hours of total time)
Too many Exploits ( Duping is back)
Zero communication from Funcom.
This new update that will kill servers due to insane lag (As if Officials weren’t laggy enough) and will invite griefers to…Well, Grief more.
The list goes on, and I guess one can get the idea of the issue, basically Funcom (Aka. Tencent Slaves) has completly abandoned Conan Exiles, so it can properly die (Not before milking it) so we move to Dune.
I don’t know, it’s so easy to fix all of this for so little money, perhaps they just don’t want to, I’ve been modding for years, I have one of the biggest Servers in the Spanish community with an average amount of 70 active players, and yet every update I have to → FIX ← the game, this is a disaster, no wonder the playerbase it’s dying, oh wait…I guess that’s the point.
Dont worry. Hackers will just hitbox pull your T4 worker thralls from outside your base now and after that vacuum everything so youre left with absolutely nothing.
PvE/RP players will have a blast in their “alive” villages now though!
Upgrade the Anticheat, or hire a few freelancers to monitor the game, fly around looking for Fly-Bases, and ensure things are okay.
Address Bazaar prices; it’s absurd to pay so much for so little.
Improve the Battlepass, which was good, interactive, and offered a lot for 10€.
Restore Hyperarmor to one-handed weapons, reduce bow damage when going glass cannon while adding utility (Light Pushback), reduce claw recovery time, etc.
Fix the many exploits; they have a list of issues, but they just don’t care.
Improve communication from Funcom; dare to say otherwise.
The new update is going to destroy the server, yet again implementing something that no one asked for.
Yes, it’s quite easy to fix the game. Perhaps if you didn’t have the IQ of a chair, you would be able to comprehend that.
These two statements conflict in case you didn’t know. You want them to spend more money on dedicated babysitters for PVP AND reduce their margins.
Ever single change that has happened in weapon balance creates a new META. Until they institute weapon weaknesses, there will not be a balance. Just a bunch of people trying to leverage them to “balance” to get gains for their favor weapons.
That’s what @Caroll is doing. I do say otherwise because she has been a real trooper on the forums dealing with all of us hooligan.
Remains to be seen but PVP is definitely going to change with this. Living as a BV isn’t going to be as easy.
Time and money, quite a bit of the former and a lot of the latter.
Upgrading the Anticheat cannot be done by Funcom, as it’s made by an 3rd party.
Changing it for another? That can be done, but both licensing and integrating it with the game would take… you guessed it; time and money.
And freelancers are not an easy fix, or reliable ones.
Server admins/monitors would need to be impartial/professional as they’d represent Funcom in-game. You don’t want some randoms from craigslist.
Personally, I agree. But if people are buying now and they’re happy with the revenue they’re getting, why would they change it?
True, though lackluster is some parts.
See my previous post.
Time, money and budget constraints.
Again, I agree. But they may not have a choice. The mandate from above might simply state: forward, regardless of consequences.
As I said in my previous post: the PvP community wants change, but they’re also opposed to it. Adapting is difficult, but a new meta will roll around just the same, always does.
Careful that you are not playing apologist for Funcom.
Funcom has made a boat load of poor leadership decisions and management mistakes when it comes to running the Conan Exiles property. Just because you don’t experience the plight of the PvP player – you should at least try to see things from their perspective.
PvP players love the game, too, ya know? And we are all angry as sin that the game has been --MORE SUBSTANTIALLY DESTROYED-- for us than for the rest of the Conan Exiles player community.
I don’t see anyone crapping all over PvE and PvE-C and Single Player players like folks often crap on PvP players. Go read that OP again. And try and recognize that every single thing on that list is a VALID COMPLAINT.
Recognize that the Funcom leadership has been (whether intentional, or not) destroying the experience for the PvP player.
You’d be surprised. Have you ever actually opened the devkit, or even tried to make anything before? Peak Dunning-Kruger effect on full display here.
It’s one thing to acknowledge the game is in a bad state, but it’s completely ridiculous to assume it got that way because according to you, the devs have the IQ of a chair. That’s a shallow, narcissistic and downright delusional take. If you’re really so full of yourself, go boot up the devkit. Fix the game yourself if it’s so easy to you.
At this point the only way for funcom to kill off the players that are left may be literally. Even if they dropped the game and closed the servers there would still be private servers running it. This game is really like the Conan character.
Three biggest issues with funcom is
1: Lacking any meaningful quality control “it loads ship it” is not quality control.
2: Prolonged wait for fixes IF we actually get them.
3: Lacking any sort of communication with the actual developers.
You know who I want to see in this forum answering questions?
I am sick to death of funcoms leads treating us like so much portage.
Luckily there has been increased communication from a few different departments. Den has been participating in some PVP discussions which is a welcome surprise. Caroll has been phenomenal. Seen Umborls a few times.
The fact that the quest flowers are being removed from Keyhole is worth applauding.