I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with this game. What brings me back is the exploration. I like searching for areas not found. Small list but still. Turning off your brain, plug in some tunes or pod cast and resource gather like a boss. Shout out to Pelor! Intending on building just a quick fob but ending up with Barbies dream house… you know the usual. Currently Geralt and I are having another go at it while Funcom gets their collective together. Happy Holidays y’all! Cheers
Memories, familiarity, comradery, personal interest in the IP.
Aside from all of the issues that come and go(but sometimes stay), there is just no other survival/sandbox game that has done it as well as Conan Exiles in the overall picture. I’m not saying other games haven’t managed one or two things that would benefit the game, but altogether, Conan Exiles has the best experience for both hardcore and casual players.
The look, the feel, the sex appeal.
may not be work safe
When other teens in the 70’s were getting in to X-men, batman, and the flash, I discovered Conan.
The decay timer…
At this point mainly that it’s installed and accessible along with there being nothing else that interests me. Not to make light of the game. I’ve certainly got my money’s worth out of it. But nothing lasts forever.
Friends and climbing.
Honestly I enjoy wandering both maps pointlessly.
Friends and the hope in they fixing bugs listing players and maybe fixing bad changes like making legendary kits usefull again , buffing thralls back , reverting combat change and adding back hyper armor , buffing pets making they aleast more strenght that one taxiderm , reworking some legendary weapons and making they really be legendary (example: frostbolt bow , crow hammer and maestrom hammer ) , reworking the events making they really worth , reworking clans and make worth be part of a clan with no punishment and for last waiting they add some group content making people aleast be social in it game.
my naked chicky boo galloping across the map steamrolling innocent deer – “Ahoooooo-yaaaaaaah!”
The building always brings me back. Admittedly, I haven’t played in many months, but eventually I’ll get the builders itch, redownload the game at great expense to my sanity, and create once more.
Something in the spirit of this game keeps calling to us.
We “feel” that call of the wild.
Brutal, but simpler way of life.
The unmatched scenery that beckons to us … whispering to us, “come home”.
the settlement system and hope they give us another map becuse this map is dead after allmost 8 years if you count early access with it
no then you will block content from over the half og the players their playes conan exiles and then you will have a big problem if you block people of content becuse they not plays with other people
Friends above all.
The past month i had exceptional time with this game again…
And the new purge system.
I guess the only thing that clings on Conan Exiles is the easy to mod game, building, and the survival aspect that is unique, despite the much that Funcom tries to bury it.
However in general Conan Exiles benefit from the fact that there is a long time no one makes a good game. Cyberpunk shots itself on the foot by making a dumb story flow that kills the openness of its world. If you really had a good recurring content. BG3 honestly is nothing like people say. Most people keep avoiding the ball from falling, but there are no “long standing players”. By the time BG3 is 5 years old, if anything, it will be that game to “remember when”.
Dragon Age ? FIFA ? NBA ? Call of Duty ? It looks like people just keep making “photocopy of the photocopy” in their franchises after they reached “peak entertainment value”.
Like I said before, Conan Exiles is leveraging the fact that its playerbase is hard pressed to find a game that is quite like it, so they have the window to keep wrecking it.
I mean, living settlements ? I have my version of it, but a dozen modders have theirs, and they all worked fine, no problems with the “back then” systems. Funcom made theirs, and it causes more problems than it solves. The purge ? I know it works “fine”, and I think it has meaning, as the other did not, but it also causes more problems than it solves. And that guy, it is bonkers. You have a hectare sized base, and you are on one side, the chest in another side, and you are still hearing the guy repeating the same 3 lines. I have a very good hearing, as I have very poor eyesight, and not even I am as bothered by hearing my neighbors as I am with that guy talking all the time.
The combat. Sure, again, me and a dozen modders have changed combat. When funcom does, it seems the NPCs take more and more time to act, and dumber and dumber actions.
At some point someone will be more successful than those stupid games like Soulmask. At this point, even someone like Amazon, known to make the worse games with the “unlimited resources” they have to get the worse people to make their games, they would be able to make a game that brings what Conan Exiles bring to the table if they wanted to.
the bugs XD hahahahahaha…
no seriously i never left but i have been taking a bit of a vacation here and there.
The mysterious, dreadful atmosphere of the Exiled Lands.
The low fantasy setting.
The building system.
The mods.
The MMO-like mechanics without the constant upselling, changes, broken things of “real” MMOs. Oh no, wait, that went away, and we now have an ingame shop, constant changes, broken mods…
Every other multiplayer popular game have group content , worold bosses and world events and it is very fun and good to game since you can always call friends or know new people to join you.
but if of course you are anti social , dont have friends to join you or dont like make new friends you can always play in SINGLE player.
all someone has to do is copy exiles and they’d make big $… so long as they dont put their own ideas in…just copy… done.
everyone has their own playstyle. ideally approx 20-30% of the content is for groups and 70% for anyone. because group players can do the 70% anyway.
just becuse other games do it it dosent mean this game have to and btw this game content is not made for group play and it will not help people to say hey we bring content you NEED to be in in group with otehr people to play, sorry this is a sandbox survivel game not a MMO game
Most every other multiplayer game has group content. From kaiju world bosses to world events. These tend to be very enjoyable and can prompt friends and new players to join in.
But if solo gaming is your thing you can also play single player.
ummmm We have random events, the sacred hunt that has failed to start; got funcomed, is a world event. But it sounds to me like you want ARKonan.