What happened to the unnamed city? (Lore)

I think I pieced together most of the lore from the game, but what I don’t get is how the unnamed city became home to all sorts of ancient undead and demons?

Did the sorcerers failed “disjunction” experiment bring a bunch of evil creatures from other dimensions to the exiled lands and thats how they settled there and killed everyone?

Something is eerie about that place and its exciting to learn about


I’ve not specifically studied the lore in relation to why the Unnamed City is now full of undead, but I’ll take a somewhat educated guess. Spoilers ahead:

After the Giant Kings basically caused their own extinction event with the Sandstorm, the city likely fell into disrepair. It’s already known that the Giant Kings used bat demons to complete errands and communicate across the realm, so their existence here is pretty cut and dry.

The Giant Kings also created dragons, which explains their existence in the city.

As for the undead, it’s a little more uncertain. There were still human slaves and potentially human-esque warriors, in a similar vein to the Silent Legion, that may have been in or around The Unnamed City when the Sandstorm was called.

Given that many undead enemies inflict corruption damage, I don’t think it’s too much of a leap to assume that being around corruption for a long time will turn/raise undead creatures. The Unnamed City has a deep history of magic and near-constant rituals, alongside the corruption at the heart of the city in the present day. I’d assume that probably accounts for the undead creatures.

If you haven’t already found them, there’s a few lorestones around the Unnamed City that provide an interesting insight into what the city would have been like.


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