What harms rendering the most?

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Actually they can certain colors can be more taxing that others on console at least the more bright and congested the light sources the more taxing they become like sun rays in the game if sun is red the light will be less taxing that a white sun as well from other games except this one ( I play on single players and this game for me don’t have single saves to make thus if done my game world might be screwed permanently) all light sources per white and placed real close together cause lag good example is that spot in iOS that grass that would cause lag if looking at it is generally what happens after the overall light gets to bright so a witch fire torch ambience light is indeed less than the orange but place enough of them and you will have same effect for white on average 20 to 30 in same spot on different games would cause that lag but about 90 to 108 (yes I counted them so I know the limits of the games) red would cause the same if placed similar because of the different color ambient light it produces not necessarily the light itself and the terrain it bounced off of like snow depending could increase the pressure on the client only if looking at it so yeah color can change that just depends on how much work and the limitations of the game itself has been placed in to it so results will vary some better and some much worse

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Is this called “saturation”?
This one thinks they heard that term used in reference to what you are describing?

Torches are NOT “animated” in this game… they have a particle effect, which is very cheap on performance btw… there’s no actual light flickering or intensity variation either, the point light of the torches is completely static just like that of the radium gem.

Witchfire torches do seem to be lighter on client-side performance in actual controlled tests, so I can confirm that as a fact.

My guess would be because of the color. The surrounding area being tinted blue might be easier to process, than being tinted red… also I remember something about screens having more blue LEDs than reds? Not sure how much truth there is to it (came up in some VR discussions years ago), I tried googling it, but the “blue light conspiracy theorists” took over the internet lol…
But then again I also remember something about blue LEDs requiring more power… so take that with a grain of salt as I am unsure of the reason itself, just that it’s most likely related to the color :man_shrugging:

But whether or not they’re more performance friendly or not… why don’t we go and take a look at Amunet’s tests from quite a while ago… debunking several of these myths - which btw… haven’t changed since. :man_shrugging:


If that’s true, then hypothetically, changing a radium torch’s color can negatively affect the performance as well, correct?

I never heard of any pixel arrangement having more blues. There are arrangements with more greens because human eyes are most sensitive to green light.

I do not know how much power a monitor requires is at all relevant to game performance though, as far as I can imagine, they are nearly as unrelated to performance as the wattage of your desk lamp next to your computer is.

However, if there is any logic behind blue light sources giving better performance than red, this should be testable by using radium torches with red versus blue dyes.

I have seen Amunet’s test before, and I am not convinced it wasn’t some meaningless unexplained fluke.

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I use radium in most bases, and I have no issues. The Aquilonean hanging lamps also don’t have any moving animation. I don’t have many placeables because I am not an interior decorator.

I am on a PS5, with an added 3Tb stick.

Over 7 locations, we have 13400 building pieces and 3000 placeables. We went into a base last night that had 18000 building pieces and 8000 placeables. It was a single base. I am glad those guys finally quit, because all they did was complain about the lag at their base.

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Yea, these I threw in as “interesting things I heard” :rofl: just to point out that not everything is exactly the same between colors even on that level, but no, that wouldn’t affect the GPU, the first one would if it’s somehow easier to tint things :man_shrugging:
There’s no other difference between those torches than the color though, so it’s not hard to throw guesses that it has to do with it :slight_smile:

You cannot have “meaningless unexplained flukes” with 2500 objects… and I’m pretty sure the fact that they found it worthwhile to mention implies it wasn’t just something that happened for a split second. But, we can retest :man_shrugging:

Though we’re talking about a fairly small difference, so the meaningless part might apply

It’s definitely placeables and animated items I think. I really don’t think the color matters much. I was only going off the theory that if color matters, then logically it should affect radium’s as well.

After spending years trying to put to rest the stacking foundation claims…

I know this probably isn’t your first time explaining something like this, but this is what this reminds me of.

But to just add a bit of personal experience… I’ve built dungeons (in the 50,000-100,000 piece range) out of Black Ice with no issue on the server or client side.


Yeah no… not the first time :rofl:
But recently it resurfaced again, it’s like these myths have like a cycle lol…
Streamers started spreading it… heck even Multigun was called out on a stream recently that he’s wrong about this and that black ice indeed harms the server performance :rofl: everybody’s just reaching for their tinfoil hats it seems.

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Griefers on my server used light sources to cause fps drops.

But server lag… seems to be caused by many players online.

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I don’t want to say that what Multigun knows is gospel about buildings… but it IS gospel lol. What that man is capable of doing is utter witchcraft.

But yeah you’re right about these myths coming in cycles… and its damn annoying because we (or at least I do) keep failing for the downward trends, thinking the myths have faded and are busted. Only for them to come right back.

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Sure you can. The unexplained part of that covers everything from a random discrepancy in Amunet’s hardware to aliens from the exoplanet Draugr beaming a hallucination beam that causes anyone who views that test footage to see numbers that are not really there.

2500 objects is good for a test, but it is still only one test by one person on one system, and that is insufficient to disprove an unexplained fluke.


Funcom harms rendering.



Would you be so kind as to read my post and look into this for me?

I’m not saying what you’re describing is wrong, vertices etc.,… just wondering.

My money is on them!

Yes and no the as one said above is saturated but the range brightness and area effect makes it much worse so depends of if radium’s is equal to the torch on that but due note games differ and I can’t promise the difference is much torch could take 0.25 fps were the radium’s could take 0.28 fps all is saying that the different between the two could be high or low even if same color but I don’t have dev kit to test numbers accurate to give a more definite answer so you will have to experiment with it

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Here is a black ice foundation static mesh, you can see the details in the top left

Here is the corresponding LOD 0 (highest detail / viewed up close) sandstone one

As you can see, indeed the mesh itself of the black ice one is way more detailed, about 3x as much.

(I’m just going to link the details for others to preserve screen real-estate :stuck_out_tongue: )
Here’s a T2 one, stonebrick, you can see it already is starting to creep up in detail

here’s reinforced stone which is already very similar to black ice, in fact it has more vertices

The materials used are pretty much identical:
Spikes on T3:
Black ice:
Spikes on black ice (which people accuse of performance issues)
Here’s the funny part… black ice is actually optimized to use a completely different material at LOD3 (when viewed from a bit of a distance, it will switch to this)

The textures used for these materials are all either the exact same or very similar, similar size and they’re all 2k, this black ice LOD3 one is 4k, though with LOD scaling at level 3 that would become 512p

I don’t see anything special compared to the regular T3. I cannot check the DLC pieces ofc as they’re not in the devkit.
Also note, I’m not a 3d artist, so maybe others could export to blender and do more detailed comparisons :stuck_out_tongue: but the information above that’s listed in the devkit seems fair.

(Oops… should’ve probably posted that in the other thread :smiley: )


I wonder if it might not have been a slip of the tongue. Maybe they meant glowing torches (wall and standing) instead of witchfire?

Huh. Or maybe not.


Well… in all of its majestic 1-2 fps benefit…
But one of these days when I have time I’ll repeat those tests out of curiosity :smiley: