What my clan has found with aow chapter 3

Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3500

Bug Description:

…Thralls won’t attack at all during purge. Doors stopped working till replaced. Character could not swing any equipment till swapped tools and weapons repeatedly. Other threads covered the camels and demo guys already. One solution we tried for some of this was to build multiple bases to prevent lagging out issues thinking that was the cause of to much crap laying around.

Bug Reproduction:


Sorry it copied wrong. Thralls do healing animation but dont heal and dont use the item. Like healing wraps and potions. Thralls are working in normal combat but in purge gave up on life. Im not sure if its linked but only thralls this happened to were the ones we placed on the tavern bench before server reset…not sure if relevant. Rest funtioned…well normal broken🤣.

Bug Reproduction
So far our thralls that are afflicted are the ones placed on the tavern bench and followed me…rest function normally.

Ok have confirmed. Benches or the proximity of thralls on the bench is issue. Once thralls were placed back all over the place standing away from each other. Benches removed. And server reset the funny thralls are now using items and attacking normally again the control group which was a group that was not acting up become funny thralls on reset. Hope this helps everyone and narrows down issue

Greetings Sapa!
Thank you for reporting this issue to us.

In order for our team to better analyze this, could you please provide us with your character name on Official Server 3500 and a screenshot of the map location where this happened to you? You can send a private message to us in reply if you prefer :slight_smile:

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

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Can confirm the thrall healing issue. What I am seeing is that only thralls that are following you can use potions and only thralls following you are affected by healing arrows. This is a HUGE issue for the purge as you can’t defend your thralls.