Most of you complain or insulted it. Were forms was a way for players to avoid religion,heavy armor and two handed weapons. It was also a way to transformed without sorcery. Things players b**** about are Avatars,two handed weapons and heavy armor. Has any of you fought with just your fist? Of course not. I had counter measurements to were forms. Were slaying weapons noob-pros weapons. Were slaying weapons do x5 to were form players. Anyone use spears? You know that two handed poke stick. Bows,Shields any weapon really could counter my were form version. That and heavy armor. Since you know most player vs player is done in heavy armor.
This community like ark. Afraid of change. Were forms was my baby. My idea I wanted to add in Conan Exile. I waited to add this topic.
Let me give you the full list of known Were forms (so you guys know what could have been): Wereape,Werebadger,Werebarracuda,Werebear,Wereboar,Werebuffalo,Werebull,Werecat,
Werecheetah,Werecrab,Werecrane,Werecreature, Werecrocodile,Werecrow,Weredog,
Werestag,Weretern,Weretiger,Werevulture,Werewalrus,Werewhale,Werewildcat and Werewolf.
Most of the complains was added speed stats or stats. None of you realize I didn’t give my idea auto regen bonus. In many lores were creatures heals faster and is x2 faster or greater than humans. A 20% in T1 too OP? T1 was weakest were form.
My pros and cons balance my version of were forms.