What are were forms. They are corrupt players whom are 100 percent corruption. I want to remove corruption debuff. I want to add the disease corruption sickness. Your bones snap as you transformed into a beast. Slowly losing the ability to remain human. All were forms lose the ability to use two hand weapons and heavy armor. Were creatures gentility and nipples are default cover by hid,fur,scales or etc. Thralls can be turn into were thralls. New feats add to this would be were armor,were weapons,pits of corruptions and other were stuff. Were weapons are iron-steel. Epic were weapons and armors are star metal quality. All were creatures take x3 damage from religion weapons. Were creatures are immune to temperature effects and food poison.
Tier 1 (most of your clan if it huge) x2 health,+ 50% stamina,+5 all stats,+20% Movement, +20% Attacking Speed,+25 Armor,+10% Unarmed penetration and +10 to Unarmed damage.
Tier 2 (Elite members of your clan. 3 max clanmates) x2 health, x2 Stamina,+ 10 to all stats, +10% Movement,+10% Attacking Speed,+50 Armor,+20% Unarmed Armor Penetration and +20 to Unarmed damage. Lose the ability to use bows.
Tier 3 (Clan Leader or your spell caster. 1 max clanmate.) x2.5 health, x2.5 stamina,+15 to all stats,+5% Movement Speed ,+5% Attacking Speed, +100 Armor,+ 30% Unarmed Armor Penetration and +30 to Unarmed damage. Lose the ability to use bows and Medium Armor.
Tier 4 (Clan Leader or trusted clan commander. 1 max clanmate) x3 Health,x3 Stamina,+20 to all stats, +400 to armor,+50% Unarmed Armor penetration and +50 to Unarmed damage. Lose ability to use all weapons,armor,Sorcery (When it comes out), building none were buildings and corruption pits.
Were creatures that fit this game: Wererat,Werewolf,Weredragon,Werebat and Werebear.
Side note anything with a number by it can only have that max in a tribe.
Having male and female were forms are normally by keeping a bust on females and making females slimmer. The leader if thier clan decides what were form they have. Keep in mind religion weapons do x3 damage to a were creature. Were creatures requires planning.
By the way these types of transformations aren’t magic base.
There are 4 stages. Tier 1-4. 25% max corruption you get the option to transformed 100% Corruption to become Tier 4. You don’t have to transformed. Tier 1-4 requires 4 transformations. Corruption caps on none transformed players to 25%.
Once transformed if you seek your human form again you must sit in a purification pit. It removes your corruption and allows you to untransformed. Each stage has to be untransformed. Each untransformed holds the corruption you had.
Corruption pits and Purification pits have to be built away from each other.
Were thralls don’t gain stats boost nor the weakness of were forms. Were thralls are cosmic only.
I forgot to mention were slaying weapons. They do x5 damage to were form players. There a were slaying weapon type for each weapon type in game. Were slaying weapons don’t work well on none were form players. Were slaying weapons comes in stone,Iron,steel,hardened steel, star metal and epic flawless versions.
Were slaying weapons do -75% of there base damage on none were form players. Were slaying weapons when hitting a were form players reduce the were form player all speed by 20%.