If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I’m curious about everyone’s imagination here. Let’s come up with some unusual and fun powers, beyond the usual flying or invisibility. Maybe something like “time freezing” or “emotion control”? Feel free to get wild with your ideas!
Induce and accelerate hair growth on self or whatever target i wish with no negative biological consequences. Where and how i want.
Hairy naked cat? You got it.
Hairy hedgehog? Sure.
That loud upstairs neighbour? Get some!
That heron you didn’t notice over there and startled you by making ungodly noises?
Bam, now it’s everyone’s worst nightmare.
I’ve always dreamed of a superpower that allows me to transform thoughts into reality instantly. Imagine thinking of a delicious meal, and it appears right in front of you! This power could help create solutions to problems just by envisioning them. Speaking of creative ideas, I recently found a great resource Superpower Generator - Random Ready that dives into imaginative concepts like this. It can inspire even more unique powers!
The ability to read flagged and hidden posts…again…
Being able to turn back the clock and stop the new conan development team from making bad decisions for this game. Changing the UI that doesn’t work half the time and also changing the spear aniamtion speed back to what it was. Maybe also stopping thew new conan exiles development team from touching this game…
Perfect understanding of what people mean.
Too often I hear or read people explaining stuff and I just go “… what?” because they don’t seem to be making any sense.
It would have to be 2…To have the memories of all people that have died and to be immortal.
You are consumed with the the knowledge of all of mankind. That is your charge as you are the Chronicler. To maintain the record of all people that have ever lived as you have been blessed/cursed (POV dependent) to continue on living. You will remain alive as long as there is another human being alive as well. When the last of mankind falls, so shall you.
So you come in to this forum…
For the first time…
With nothing to ask about the game…
But the people who play this game about their superpower illusion?
I’ll tell you what, tell me yours first and maybe I’ll share mine…
the best superpowert is to not have one.
I’m not sure you’ll understand
(removed by author)
It’s better that you don’t know.
A power by which my very presence on the planet renders the entire world’s population incapable of telling a lie in any way, shape or form. I’m sure I’d be assassinated forthwith but the ensuing hilarity would be worth it.
One powerfull power to fix all bugs in conan
snap your fingers like thanos and make all bugs get fixed.