Whats happened to this game?

(also for the expensive payment line and sh**tY signal ^^)

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Iā€™m not sure who you mean by this - do you mean that youā€™re not allowed to express your opinion, or that people who disagree with you shouldnā€™t express theirs? The definition of ā€œopinionā€ includes the possibility that not everyone shares the same opinion. It seems to me that everyone in this thread shared their opinion in a respectful, civil manner, so it doesnā€™t really look as if they were trying to silence you, either.

A community where everyone has the same opinions is a community consisting of only one person.


Standing Ovation
:hugs: :raised_hands:


This is how Conan lore deals with your opinions!!


Iā€™m sorry if our opinions make you feel inhibited to continue to voice your own.

I do not find it impossible to imagine an Exile being able to produce amazing sophisticated buildings and goodsā€¦I look to our own world for many examples of amazing architecture and intricate art and decorations produced in what weā€™d consider primitive conditions with basic tools.
Humans have an internal drive to produce more than just basic subsistence living in all circumstances even when the resources available seem to limit this.
Many of the fragile mediums used to express ourselves do not survive the environment over long periods of time. The majority of examples which do survive are grave-goods worked in metal or stone ā€¦ but there are hints here and there of the decorations our ancestors worked in fibre, wood and boneā€¦ for example bone hair combs. This rich cultural history is now expressed through modern mediums.
Also there are examples in museums and art galleries of more recently preserved fragile items (Eg acquired during 1800s etc specifically for display in collections.)

Iā€™m sort of on the same page, but I feel as if the people whoā€™ve read the books are not the majority of customers in the game any longer.

When EA started, pretty much everyone who was talking about it knew Conan, at least from the movie, if not at least a few books.

After release, the ā€œsurvival/ARKā€ crowd jumped on the bandwagon (there were a few of these in EA, donā€™t get me wrong) and lore sort of went a little by the wayside.

While I build mostly in insulated wood, I also snagged the Aquilonian DLC (which is nearly completely in opposition to the bookā€™s Aquilonians) and used it to make a specific base. For the most part, I prefer more rustic or smaller builds.

This game has gone pretty far from the lore as far as appearance and ā€œgrittinessā€ which initially was a pretty awesome difference in the game. I get why it happened (different publics and demographics), but I am a bit sad to see Turanian palaces and opulent halls, grand castles - but this was sort of inevitable.

Of the armor and weapons, the best is the base game Exiles stuff. Iā€™ll argue for the Vanir and Cimmerian armors as well, as they are pretty lore-friendly. And of course, Dafari and Pictish armor feels very fitting to the lore.

Of the armor sets which ā€œdonā€™t fitā€, Iā€™d argue the Lemurian makes sense within the Exiled Lands, as that culture was an old one, very very old, and the lore behind them coming to the Exiled Lands supports that they are decadent.

Seeing some of the other DLC this season, Iā€™m hoping for a reversion not to ā€œless detailā€, but definitely less refined craftsmanship, things that donā€™t look like the late middle ages in appearance. Horsemen, and of course Acheronians, could end up being the appearances Iā€™m most interested in.

Iā€™m also not a huge fan of the oriental buildings, lamps, and whatnot - but ā€œMongolianā€ horselords and rougher Persian appearances are certainly more welcome than the gold-gilded monstrosities I am seeing.

Options are good; you can play the game the way you want to, and you can ā€œmod outā€ building options you arenā€™t interested in seeing if you wish. If the general public wishes to go in this direction, and itā€™s making FC enough money to keep developing, I canā€™t fault them for ā€œgoing where the moneyā€™s atā€.

Weā€™re missing some big points in DLC while they go down this road, however. Egyptian/Stygian appearances, Aesir buildings of vaulted carved wood, and knobby, non-euclidean Acheronian carved obsidian stone are all absent. And when I chat with people I play with, those are the themes they actually want to see, so Iā€™m not sure that they are choosing the best path on the DLC cosmetic themes.


Im confused. So what is your point exactly!? I dont know, but ill take a stab at it. So what, are you assuming that this somehow invalidates my argument that things are more basic and peaceful on Singleplayer mode!? Or is it that because I also stated a sub-point that I also have lousy internet where I come from, it couldnt possibly be the case!?

Well please allow me to clarify. I submitted two paragraphs worth of points stating why I prefer Singleplayer mode, things such as

and threw in one sentence regarding my internet. So what! I play Offline Singleplayer by choice, not because I am forced to. I could still persevere if I wanted to, but I prefer Singleplayer mode. And even if I did have better internet, I still wouldnt play online modes for the reasons I just listed. I guess it really says a lot about the strength of your ā€˜argumentā€™ if the best you could manage was to soundbite one sentence and then type the the word ā€œquoteā€ in above it. Wow such an insightful and thought provoking argument.

Look if you disagree with my viewpoint on this issue thats fine, you are entitled to. But for gods sake present a coherent opposing argument and discuss its merits, rather than simply presenting a quote and a one word statement. Any questionsā€¦?

You totally misunderstand my post.
I thought the ā€œQuoteā€ word would have been enough (quoting someone means sharing his post to me): I entirely agree with you, I also share the same web-services issues.
I too play offline by choice, playing a videogame is like a reading a book to me, and simply I do not want anyone disturbing me while Iā€™m doing that ^^

So fella, basically all you wrote now was pointless: Iā€™m by your side ^^


Ahh in that case @Tselem please accept my apologies, I completely musunderstood the point on that one.:upside_down_face: And cheers for the agree.

Raise the chalice fella, and sorry for not being clear enough!
You have my shield!

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And I raise one in return! The Faithful have your back, we stand ready with blade in hand by your side (sorry, I got a kick out of saying that, and no problem at all).

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RE Howard would have continued with a line such asā€¦
As Conan stood there, knowing the ally he had may soon feel the cold of those blades if they continued to disagree and debate. For Conan had little patience with diplomacy, and would rather his actions speak as loud as their screams of pain from knowing what Conan thought with his sword.


I canā€™t agree more, what is more, there is even a debug feature that allows you to know who attacked your base and stole your stuff. All that is lacking from a mobile game now is the button to click and auto raid base from the event log.

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Turn it into RTS style lol.

Set up resources used, thralls to go do it, where to attack and time to attack. then hit attack button. log in after it should have been done. see the outcome. Conan Exiles Simulator :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately i read it is non combative multiplayer. Its you vs AI. Sad, i was hoping for some 15 minute fun on my phone attacking another persons base :slight_smile:

ā€œYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.ā€ - Matthew 5:13

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