Wheel of Pain continues to be intermittently placing finished thralls into the world affecting follower count

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server - PvE - Exiled Lands (America)
Mods: None

Bug Description:

BETA - Wheel of Pain continues to be intermittently placing finished thralls into the world affecting follower count.

Bug Reproduction:

Place captured thrall in wheel, wait for for thrall to complete cycle.

It seems automatically placing thralls into the world is the new intended mechanic, it not always placing them is the bug.

This is actually a really bad change though, because it (as you mention) affects follower count and also prevents you from being able to trade thralls with other players.

In my strong opinion, this auto-placement mechanic should be removed entirely and never attempt to implement it again.


So thralls finished in the wheel are automatically placed? We no longer have a choice to store them if replacements are needed? It seems that running purges are even less appealing now.

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My Beta testing showed that roughly half the combat thralls were automatically placed but none of the crafting thralls. The majority of combat thralls that were automatically placed were bugged and were no where to be found but showed on the followers list.

Lets hope the current beta release is not what is going live.

Current beta is 100% not what is going live. However, what changes they made is unknown until the new devkit drops (hopefully Monday).

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Excellent. So what will be deployed is not beta tested. I wonder who thought that was a good idea?

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Thankfully not:

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But in fact, if you do not test the final release in the simulated live environment on the test server this is probably the contributing factor in the issues you have experienced in prior updates.


That makes no sense, since they added code to make thralls auto-place outside the wheel. I don’t know how you could accidentally add code like that.

The only way I can rationalize that is they were just experimenting to see if it worked and forgot to comment out or remove the code after testing it.

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I have no idea.

Its a day before update. Please enlight us…

I have sern updates coming to live with all the major problems reported on testlive in the past.

Whats different ?

Funcom of course. Testing it ruins the excitement becasusr bugs are found and neef works fixing them

Funcom policy it seems is : "Lets pretend they are bug free " “who pays the next round of beer” ?

We had exactly this conversation on my stream over the weekend.

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