Where are all the thralls?!?

Can we maybe have an overview table over existing Thralls? With big delay ofc - like a day - so it can’t be used as a raid alarm.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I think this would be the best possible lore friendly remedy to this entire situation.

Anyone hear any news on this issue yet?

This post right here will be the likely best solution for those dealing with tons of lost and forgotten thralls. I understand its a hard pill to swallow but it is what it is. I suppose atleast with thralls that you can’t find or get to, well it’s not like they were using that gear set really anyway, especially if their existence for the last few months has been floating where a tower used to be or stuck in some foundations somewhere. In a way all the gear sets are on lost thralls that havent been seen in months, well those sets were already long gone the moment that thrall saw you for the last time lol.

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Maybe instead of pushing out the patch, maybe just maybe Funcom could fix a few of the bugs that cause thralls to fall through foundations in the first place? Patches and updates upon bugs upon bugs makes a mess…I mean thralls have been hiding in foundations for over a year…surely if it can be made so that thralls can be made to level like a character they can be made to stay ubove ground i would think…

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But if Funcom did that, then how would your thralls do their Fortunato impression? I hear it’s quite popular.

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