Why are PVP Server now PvE server?

Hello ,
Why are most pvp servers now pve servers? It can’t be that nobody says anything. Some players have characters on PvP servers that are now PvE. I hope it’s just a bug and will be fixed. Please reply


I reported the problem to Zendesk about 14 hours ago. Yet to recieve a reply.


This is a good thing, i hope Funcom will keep this, until they have fixed the blatant cheating on different servers for good.

Put on a setting that people cant attack other and damage buildings, then its fine until they fix it.

Thank you Funcom!

Thats say a pve player right? what is good now? nothing… some pvp player dont want to play now i think

Sorry there is no help here.
All you can do is file a zendesk report and wait for it’s automatic closure.
Might as well be in space because there is no one to hear you scream.

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well i am not sure this is that,

knowing that the last hack from what i heard from some of my friends in an asian country allow to change all paramaters of servers, official and not official, so may be we are just seing the use of that again…sadly…if fc have not patched it.

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Conan server needs a fullwipe , activ admins and then its good… but i think if they do nothing funcom lost many pvp player…

#1518 PvE Conflict changed to pure PvE after this mornings update. In addition, nothing is dropped on character death.

It’s not just bad code, it’s sloppy server administration from Funcom.

Edit: the other servers I checked today (1500 and 1504) are also set to “drop nothing.”


I hope this is not done on purpose, and that it will go back to PvP soon. If not, we have about 100 useless fighter and archer thralls in our base :-/


Hvorfor vil du have det tilbage til PVP når alle de “store” PvP servere er infiltrereret med ekstreme snydere?

Jeg håber personligt på, at de har gjort så man ikke kan blive “rørt” ved på officielle PvP servere indtil de har fået bugt med snyderne, det er jo ikke lidt, det er ekstremt meget.

idk u sorry,

not everybody like pve… and not at all pvp servers are cheaters…

i hope funcome say anything , its not funny if u cant play pvp

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I am more PvP player than you i guess, i have never tried PvE or PvE-C ONLY PvP.

My server is infiltrated with hackers, and i got my character destroyed, i have no knowledge and i cant re-learn sorcery, also the cheaters have been herrassing me for 1 week nok with 3-4 gods every single day.

I feel this is good, because its outta control from Funcom. And this change will do that the cheaters have nothing to do.

i dont think so… i was never on a pve server or whatever… thats the only reasson because i play conan since 2018 because pvp… and conan lost many player if they dont do anything… all players go to privat or change game

so well, @community, mostly all pvp officials servers are in pve mode for now, can we have some communication, is this intended, or is this… you know what…



Interesting. Just booted up the server list and filtered to show all official pvp and there are only 5 officials left set as pvp (on PC).
Did the same for PvE-C and there are now 0 PvE-C official servers (on PC).

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Something is VERY WRONG. @den @AndyB @Community This requires IMMEDIATE attention.

Ya somethig is wrong with funcom… they say nothing … all my servers are now pve or full gone…
on twitter say funcom nothing, here say nothing…

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This is probably the best option to get their attention swiftly. I have worked all of the other angles that I have available to me.

After putting in a Zendesk Support ticket, we will just have to wait for them to perhaps communicate with us and/or work to resolve the issue.


Good luck with that (genuinely - though with no belief you’ll have that luck) - people in singleplayer have been unable to even access the game for a month and have just been completely ignored, no matter what requests are made.

It’ll be interesting to see if this is any different…