After 1200 hrs of play I got reported for land claiming but none of my buildings were removed or near anyone. I begrudgingly accepted the suspension. I didnt want to lose 2 years of my life so I bought a second account to check the decay timers on my builds and they were set to decay after my ban lifted. I was very hopeful that I could save at least some of my bases across three servers after doing the math of decay timers. My suspension should have lifted today but it did not. When I contacted support they only say it can take up to 48 hrs. This is very frustrating and misleading. Why call it a 14 day suspension if it is going to take 16 days? If they know it can take 48 hrs why not change it to 12 days. By tomorrow all my builds and thralls on all servers will decay and with it the thousand hrs of building and leveling thralls. To me this is the equivalent of a permanent ban.
So I ask the community what are your thoughts on this policy? Does it really serve as a warning if you are losing everything? Has anyone actually kept playing after that?
The reason it can take “up to 48 hrs” is because the blacklists are only refreshed on reboot. That also applies to being banned, by the way. If they ban someone right now, they can still keep playing on any server that hasn’t yet rebooted. As a result, this means that the 14 day suspension actually is pretty much a 14 day suspension, because the time you’re suspended is counted between reboots.
Just for the record, I don’t work for Funcom or anything, so I can’t really give you any specific info on your case. I’m just a regular player who wanted to share the detail of how the game works, because it’s not something they explain anywhere.
I don’t know when exactly you were banned and when the servers reboot normally and how the whole “ban expiration” thing even works – do they remove you from the blacklist by hand or is there some batch process that does that? I don’t know. The whole “up to 48 hours” thing sounds like there might be some automated process that runs once a day on its own, and if it doesn’t line up with server reboots, the ban ends up lasting longer than it should, but I’m just guessing, I don’t know.
I hope you get some answers eventually, and I also hope you keep playing the game despite everything.
I don’t work for Funcom but what may happen is your ban isn’t instituted on the day of your notice, or it was instituted provisionally, two days prior.
In other words, one possibility is that you were banned during their investigation, and then the actual 14-day ban was applied.
Furthermore, due to the enlargement of Decay, it could be their systems are all manual. Therefore, considering a high influx of rascally behavior, Funcom Admins may be a bit behind.
I could understand that except now they have a pop up that tells you exactly when your ban will be lifted if you try logging in. I dont think that would be inaccurate and if it is, then it certainly needs to be fixed
Done it several times. The first time was when a troll walled in my whole base with no-climb walls. That was before they published the rules, so I couldn’t even report the guy, had to move to another server.
The second time was when a group of PVP-rejects came to the PVE-C server where I was playing and started harassing everyone to the point of making half of the server – myself among them – just move to another server rather than endure their harassment. Again, that was also before the rules.
After the Isle of Siptah, I started taking regular breaks from Conan Exiles, either when I’m too burned out to play, or when there’s another game I want to play more.
Honestly, for me it’s kinda fun to start from scratch and see what has changed and how quickly I can get re-established. The part that I hate the most is the grind for RNG-gated stuff, like certain thralls or certain legendary items.
It all depends on what you like – not everyone will like starting over, and there’s nothing wrong with that, either.
I don’t understand why they’re banning people AT ALL.
Banning in accepted netiquette, is for belligerent offenders who otherwise and repeatedly refuse to conform to some rule or social agreement. Banning users in a payed game for first or even second time technical violations appears particularly EVIL to me!
@Funcom really needs to reevaluate this practice! There may a be a few situations where it applies but first or even second offence block spamming, the non-malicious covering or blocking of content spawn points, and all the things they deem negatively affects server performance, should not result in a server ban. At least not one that lasts for more than a few hours while they do the demolition thing.
It’s already enough or even more than enough, to have your assets demolished. Seriously, who’s running the show over there???
I also think the ban is too long and unfair. Losing all your hard work because of an honest mistake seems like the punishment doesnt fit the crime. Im having to start over now after losing my bases and all my thralls. It really feels quite terrible
I love doing this. My problem is that once I have a character, I defend it’s interests and so throughout the years, I just get more and more stuff since I have a knack of knowing (people always have tells…be it a sudden friend request out of the blue from someone that has been playing for months with you on the same server to rotten meat loot bags around my base) when I will get raided and evacuate the base before raid time.
Yeah, I like self imposing that on myself from time to time as well. I think it’s a slightly different feeling when it’s externally imposed though. That feeling shouldn’t last very long though. No one likes getting spanked… but you rub your rump, learn, and move on. Normally…