At the same time I will not receive any equivalent bonuses. Why can’t I stay incognito in my favorite place? Or why should I build a sanctuary away from home?
Avatars? On some servers, they are turned off, but the sanctuary remains on the map. Also, anyone who wants to make a lot of avatars will find a way to do it quickly and quietly.
But because of this suffer perfectionists and collectors. It is very sad.
I agree, it should be tied to PVP mainly, as getting a T3 Altar is akin to nuclear power, or at least showing you might have it. But for PVE/PVE-C, it doesn’t make sense. Put it in suggestions, and see where that goes. PVP leave as is, PVE/PVE-C turned off, and a toggle for private/SP.
I think that it should be like the beggining of EA phase, altars only appear on the map if you put a priest that can cast the bubble and the God, its really sad having to rely on other ppls altars to craft T3 temple stuff.
As a PvE player, I actually like the “god beams”, they’re handy for helping visitors find their way. Being able to tell someone, “Teleport to Sinkhole, run towards the Ymir beam, and I’m at the Derketo and Mitra beams” saves a lot of guess work.
I can see how it would be undesirable to advertise your presence in PvP though.
Yeah, its a sight to see when there are lots of temples together too, all those lights on the sky. But indeed, it is annoying one can’t have a T3 temple because of giving away the location.