Why is Dynamic not active on official PvP?

Dynamic Building Damage was patched to work with timed base damage, so why was it not implemented on official PvP servers? Dynamic was created to stop offline raiding, but not put on the servers where offline raiding is the most rampant? I’ve almost never been online raided since launch on official PvPs and every time I try to start back up on one I am offlined within a week.

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I believe the official story is that the DBD has an exploit in it that FC doesn’t want in Official servers.

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I agree with @erjoh here. If they implement DBD players will log off 30 mins before the current raid window to avoid ever being raided at the main base whilst using alts to in turn raid with.

It’s been suggested to make raid time 24/7. I personally agree with this.

Playing PVP Officials takes a lot of time and dedication imho and you have to expect to be raided. There are various strategies you can use if you want some time off.


I fully agree when transfers work. Maybe I want to find a dead server to conquer and level.


And that may be the thing that stops the cesspool because no clan can be on 24/7 and humility kicks in.


DBD sounds good in theory but its terrible. ppl just don’t login outside of refreshing

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But in that sense they also can’t be raiding others.

We’ve literally just taken to body vaulting as soon as any of the usual goons come on and announce they’re here to wipe the server again. Plus we started venturing into unofficial PvE-C servers, but every one is getting flooded with PvP server try-hards who build meta bases on casual servers and wipe it within the context of the server’s rules.

You’re referring to players that purchase multiple copies of the game?

This is actually a pretty good point.

One of the biggest issues with Offline Protection (CE calls it Dynamic Building Damage, but I’m going to use the generic term since this issue applies to all games that have it) is there isn’t usually a good sweet spot for its settings.

Set the time too short, and people can logoff mid raid and avoid consequences. Set the time too long, and attackers will simply wait for the last person to log off and hit it as hard as they can, effectively offlining. Is for this reason I believe FC won’t use it on their servers, or as Dennis calls it ‘not a pure solution’.

But Katniss brings up another issue, people may just login to refresh at odd non-busy hours and never be raidable. Then its PVE-C or PVE with extra steps.

Non-provided servers have the benefit of admins being able to see what’s going on in real time and make adjustments, admin calls, or other actions to keep things spicy.

I’ve admin wiped my fair share of builds that have gone inactive, both on PVE and PVP servers. Keeps the servers clean and keeps spaces open. PVP servers getting serial refreshers like PVE/C have would be absolutely terrible. Raid timers keep such folks somewhat active. Won’t have that luxury with DBD on.

Maybe we should push the serial refreshers into a transfer, automatically. :man_shrugging:

I’m going to avoid that particular here. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You have to think about what you want out of the game.

I find some players like the “idea” of PVP. The idea of the “rush”. The possibility of being raided, raiding, chance PvP encounters and a test of battle. But when it comes down to the wire most are not equipped to deal with the reality of PvP servers.

Ask yourself if you want those risks just for a not so cheap thrill.

Perhaps it is not what Funcom or many players envisioned… There are several playstyles, some of which seem underhanded and ruthless. It only takes one person to completely upset the status quo of a server.

While I don’t agree in offlining in principle there are some cases where it might be warranted. But also, if you can’t be online to defend against a mechanic that is allowed in the game and encouraged it is unfortunately a loss you have to accept.

I know your time spent is important. The loot you gathered, the building you constructed; when there are high stakes like this consider that it is for the experience. Your hoard is not and never will be a measure of your successes in PVP environments and as you know can be taken away easily.

Offlining is pretty gutless but would you have been ok with being wiped legitimately while online?

I’m not sure what you mean by casual. Realistically the only true casual mode is PVE?


Of course.

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