So, I’ve been cleaning up around m bases and notice something. Whenever I was removing Spoiled Gruel, I’d frequently be overencumbered. So I popped one of each in my inventory and took a look.
Regular old Gruel has a weight of 1.00
Spoiled Gruel has a weight of 2.50
Not much in small doses, but when dealing with a full stack (100), it make spoiled gruel 250 a stack! That’s…way way too much.
What does spoilage do that garners a 150% weight increase?
i tried giving it to a thrall, (but their survival timer for food did not change at all)
and also put it in the food pot (or a wheel) but it wasnt taken or accepted.
it might have been from a normal gruel, or a flavored gruel.
i do have an option to use it, but dont want to risk it, just wondering?
oh ok, ill hang on to it until it expires (or until i need to make room for something else) just in case lol but i have a small stack of about 30 enhanched gruels so i will probably run into it again unless i feed some more people on the wheel
(usually i like feeding thralls on the wheel with whatever is almost about to expire, like a Bug Kebab, or a Soup, unless i need some more compost in which case something can expire a bit)