I have issues with homophobic imbeciles.
I’m happy for them
Not because I have to see boobs (I mean, I like seeing them but I prefer them in real life) but because it seems like such a strange time lately, it’s apparently perfectly fine to have someone chopped up on screen but when a naked woman shows up there’s a problem…
I’m sure you tell yourself that for reassurance.
And you don’t see what’s wrong with that belief do you?
No, don’t tell him I want him to figure it out for himself.
My issue with the game is the boob bug, prefer pert
A thing I’ve realized because I don;t really pay much attention to the character, or creator so much as the info being given. But a large number of youtubers and such play female characters. Tell me that isn’t to cater to a certain viewership. wak
Well there you have it. The real reason no one plays on test live.
Been a couple of years since I was on test live but I could have sworn nudity was on then. Though I may be misremembering.
No you’re not misremembering, the original test live servers all were full nude.
the first to be censored was US2 PVP around two years ago, I was playing on that server when they changed the settings.
I asked one of the Devs at the time why it was changed, but got a kind of non-answer
He just said different servers have different settings.
Never really explained the change.
Here’s a thought, wanna see boobs?
Get a girlfriend.
Ive had the honor of seeing the same set for over 20 years.
It never gets old
She got the 3 bedroom I paid for.
Why do you think it’s about boobs? Read the OP again, I said nothing about boobs.
“It’s got to be about boobs right because if it’s not”
If you get a girlfriend because you wanna see boobs, nobody should envy her luck…
Also get a girlfriend that likes to paly Conan Exiles.
That way no girlfriend agro.
I’ve been Married 45 years, getting a girlfriend would get me Wife agro.
So you got boobs, dont be a hog.
Since we are suffering with a bad case of boobification
I’ll point out once again this is more why the censorship on testlive then what is being censored.