ok, chairs and campfires are just decos which will be used by the workers but beds and bedrolls are also the game spawn points
will the workers use your bed/bedroll spawn points too?
if so…how long?
what will happen when I die and my respwan points be currently occupied by sleeping workers? a game crash? will I respawn naked in the desert? or nothing? just a funny visual glitch?
Enclosing workers or making unaccesible structures for them are ways to try avoiding ‘issues’ or ‘unexpected casualties’ (in PVE) but honestly, was this the idea how the living settlement might end up being, plenty of ‘weird structures’ and/or no one wandering?
Is this what whose have desired and designed this feature want or expect?
I doubt strongly all those in the past who always wanted having a living settlement, took into account the today’s reality and all fears, doubts and concerns we have today, regarding the amount of ‘malicious’ players, exploits and loopholes the game sadly has or keeps having nowadays.
Looking forward to what the beta testers will experience and discover
I’m relying on them to know what to look out for, what to do and what not to do, not on the official notes, which I expect will be, as usual, just a few pictures and notes about how wonderful and exciting the ‘long-awaited’ living settlements will be.
There is a chance of the npc die, i heard that the “killed by spawn effect” a glitch that people use to kill thralls was related to spwaning in a spot ocuppied by a npc.
Não vai adiantar trancar os seguidores por que existe BUG que faz queda nas estruturas, portanto se entrar em sua base ou em uma cerca de gaiola poderão ser mortos da mesma forma já que não serão mais intangíveis ou imunes como funciona hoje em dia
Recomendo que faça armadilhas para enviar um ticket de report com data e hora para o suporte ZENDESK
DICA e SOLUÇÃO: Eu mesmo deixei alguns seguidores “isca” no teto para atrair esses trapaceiros, todos os seguidores do teto morreram para um trapaceiro no telhado de minha base e quando eu estava OFF-LINE, porém enviei o reporte para o suporte ZENDESK com a filmagem e print de antes e depois junto com o registro de evento OBS: Recomendo a todos que grave se possível os seguidores que estão na base e guarde a gravação para poder comprovar se algo acontecer depois que entrar no jogo de Conan Exiles
when we launch, followers will sleep in any nearby bed they can find. it doesn’t take your respawn point.
because you don’t respawn IN your bed, but rather beside it, you’ll just see a follower sleeping in the bed.
we want to add options to exclude items from being usable by followers later on, so if you really need to prevent them from using a door, or sleeping in a bed, etc., you can.
in the mean time, if you really need a door to not be opened by a thrall, you’ll have to build everything they need in their immediate vicinity so they don’t stray to find other objects to meet their needs - since they do prioritize the closest source of satiation.
Dennis i guess that crafters won’t use ladders and hatches, so i will definitely use this technique until my house will become a “mansion”.
Yet i need to ask without necessary take an answer, other than that, the less i know the more i’ll discover, but…
How npcs choose where to sit?
Is it distance they have to cover, or a radius distance?
Ι believe it still counts as one bed following the logic of a single spawn point, the npc will probably sleep in the middle.
It must be really difficult to program something like it, people seem to squeeze furniture and benches and probably they’ll have Neverending walking from npcs trying to reach their target. It seems simple but the parameters you have to calculate are many .
Thanks a million for your time and your reply, i really appreciate it.
Best wishes to you and your beloved ones , thank you again!
Se já sabem desse problema então sabemos o que irá acontecer
Por que a Funcom não resolve isso antes que os “trabalhadores de bancada” façam a cortesia de abrir as portas da nossa base antes de atualizar Conan Exiles para AGE OF HEROES ?
We should be able to tell wanderers “NO, get off the furniture” and “NO , you can’t use that door” from the get go of the patch.
I can’t see there being a good reason to delay being able to set exclusions from the initial rollout, i know you have deadlines, but still, this is a very important item to include.
he write they are gonna make so you can controll them better by a system to them so you can make sure they not doing surten things what den has written right their on that comment is a huge info people kinda alittle have have asked for the past few days some of it
Yea, that’s good news.
But i believe it was stated later on there would be such a system with varying options.
I think it should happen though in the initial rollout even if that means a delay.
Being able to set exclusions is too big of a deal to put off imo.
Copied from their post.
I tried to draw attention to the time they said we would get the options.
we want to add options to exclude items from being usable by followers later on, so if you really need to prevent them from using a door, or sleeping in a bed, etc., you can.
in the mean time, if you really need a door to not be opened by a thrall, you’ll have to build everything they need in their immediate vicinity so they don’t stray to find other objects to meet their needs - since they do prioritize the closest source of satiation.
Setting exclusions seems (imo of course) a very integral component to the settlement system.
I am not trying to knock their response in anyway, just asking for it to be part of the initial rollout.
yea some times you need to take baby steps before you get it all and see how the first small packet works before you get the medium and the big packet to it. it still see its a huge info a good info he is telling us. and its their first time to come out with the a system like this to us so baby step the best way
i will try to put a stool or a bench inside the cage for them sit and dont fall on the foundations.
Fala mestre, vou tentar colocar um banquinho para sentar eles dentro da gaiola será que vai ajudar assim eles num caem da gaiola e tbm num tera espaço pra os caras fazer o glicth do orb de zath
Just a quick question: if I place a crafter down and don’t want them to wander can I place them into cages like the bazaar hanging cage or the sarcophagus to stop them and still get the benefits?
you can’t lock them up in the initial release, but it’s something we want to add. this applies to things like emotes, and manually placing them in a crafting station too. we feel that if you tell them to go somewhere, they should stay there until you free them to move on their own.