Wish List Tools durability and Material density rework

Greetings and salutations exile, this video gets into the weeds big time. I talked extensively about material composition. To wait and durability attributes. And the current problem with the system is how similar everything is. In this video I explain why. That I give the attributes, and explanations why. I use the simple pic to start with. But once these metrics are in place they could Cascade across the rest of the tools and weapons. If you use the same logic in mindset and it would add significant replayability and value to each in individual item. And it would eliminate all the Clones. I’ll admit it’s probably kind of dry. But there’s a lot of intellectual thought in the process.

Current system


Remaindered system


=C66*D66 /1000 Excel Macro formal for Obsidian 8lb Ă— 1500 Durability Ă·1000 Value = 12lb total

With my Weight formal on Spear its the same value at Pic tools

The Obsidian pick becomes way too heavy, *3.2 weight, for an insignificant +1 in harvesting power and a small +350 durability compared to the StarMetal Pick. The why bothering to use it ?

8.0 would make it useless 100%, The end ones should weigh less, making them useful and “end gamey” Not punishment for 1 extra item you likely already got full chests of. XD

Ach pick, 200dur + all tools you’d carry to fix it. Why bother?

I think obs and star are in a good spot. You get Star, and it does what it needs to. If you manage to Do Volcano stuff and get Obs tools. The extra 1 gather is basically its award.
(thou certain npc now drop them)

I don’t think I’ve bothered making Ach tools… You have Star Metal, which has good durablity + good gather number is what matters. Giving it 200 durablity for +2… and all tools you’d carry fix it. >_>

You’d could make Ach and black ice, weigh less, keep them at 7-8 gather. And just knock them to 300-400durablity.
Have them be the alternate tools for cutting weight and roaming maps, and have Star and Obs be your gather tools.

Before you chimed in on what you think, I recommend that you watch the video it’s a 20-minute video that goes pretty in-depth and explains the logic behind some of my thought processes.

So after developing the spreadsheet out a little bit more I’ve come to realize that obsidian in my original estimate it’s just a little too heavy. But the arguments that are presented in the Forum threads are not valid at all it shows the lack of depth and understanding of the game.

You know you can Farm star-metal 200 meters North of the mound. You don’t even have to have special gear, you just need one gas and 1 fire orb. That’s it and you’re now you have star metal, obsidian is far more difficult because you need special gear for the volcano to survive the Heat.

And I noticed the heat will kill me off much faster than the frostbite. I don’t know if it’s got to do with dropping The Thirst in combination with the heat but there’s some kind of multiply defect there. There’s another piece of this that we’re not discussing and that is the resource requirement to get into obsidian steel bars. It’s not worth the consumption of Steel. When you factor in you actually have to go into a dungeon, and fight off a spawn every 15 minutes. To use the furnace. And Factory in the consumption of Steel bars. And the 5:1 ratio. Of obsidian shards. It is simply not worth the time and effort. For the substandard resource

I have easily put 6 hours into developing this logic around this thread. And formulating content. And there is some refinement that needs to be made. As I use the same formula in the pickaxes. And move them over to Spears I’m starting to realize that some adjustments need to be tweet just a little bit. But I’m going to continue and basically redo this myself.

The thing is, the usefulness of a tool is a combination of harvesting power * durability. At the moment, I dislike Acheronian tools because although they have a higher harvesting rate than hardened steel, they have a significantly lower durability, meaning that I get fewer resources per pick - for one that is more costly, too.

The calculations also need to take into account the durability loss caused by a tool upgrade kit. If a minor harvesting power upgrade makes the tool lose 25 % of its durability, the upgrade isn’t really an upgrade if, again, you end up getting fewer resources per tool.

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