I left the game for awhile and used to farm the witch doctor who shared a spawn with the yog priest at the summoning place. I have now killed around 50 of the yog priests with no sign of a witch doctor/T4 alchemist. Was this nerfed? Thanks
I have seen T2 witch doctor, so probably just rng? I will look for him sometimes, will let you know if I find.
There are some thralls that seen to disappear like Irniz of the Furnace, I have a base besides the Black Galeon and never found her anymore.
I farmed him the other day for his mask, and my friend on the same server tamed him a few days before. Pretty sure it’s unfortunate rng. So he could be the next spawn!
I suspect it was nerfed. Shortly after the witchdoctor stuff was released, he spawned a lot. And because it has the same recipes as a rare purge alchemist, it basically trivialized getting one that way, and people complained.
If you’re just in need of a T4 alchemist, and don’t really care about crafting the extra dyes, etc. then check out the cave “Sinner’s Refuge” where the Chosen of Asura show up. Harass them for a while, and Gilum’tun should appear. The easiest way to get a T4 alchemist in the early game that I’m aware of.
I have three witch doctors. Sounds like just bad luck.
And the Sinners refuge is not equivalent. The Witch Doctor is purge equivalent. This makes his crafting speed faster than normal named. You can really notice when processing undead in parallel.
Is the difference really that significant? I had a witch doctor in a singleplayer game, and really didn’t seem that substantially different (although undead pets were never really my thing)
To answer to the post, no, witch doctor exists. And to add for my best alchemist of the game that i love this worker, because it is simply the best. Witch doctors are giving you solutions very early in the game and the most important for me is the black & white dye. I love to dye my armors white.
Since started again after horse update i got mine in secend run so i was lucky.
I’ve got her pretty soon too after “the Pony update” but I’ve stopped farming Summoning Place after that so maybe I’m just lucky.
It is if you are crafting undead (takes noticeably less tine) and would also like the dyes. Also the spice recipe can be very useful with leveling frost giants as they like spiced haunch as one of their buff foods.
And speak of the devil, I just got the female version… will be perfect for my women’s prison…
I got mine after a long wait but worth it!
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