Please Funcom could we have a building set that has the internal features of the Witch queen palace as I really admire the marble walls ect and feel it would go well with other sets
OOOH yes I like the inside of her chamber this would be cool!
U will have something else as building set… dunno if its able to say, but if ya check testlive singleplayer under admin u can see some ‘‘fail to spawn’’ vanilla building sets of another nordic civilization! the one that already has armors/pets and weapons so far in game… Maybe in time they add all conan civilization building sets, but sadly thats a bazaar item already… seems because failed to check
This one agrees.
A new Lemurian build set would be magnificent. A long held desire.
A Frost Giant skin for Black Ice (such as in the Temple of Frost) and the Stygian style in Sepermeru are other examples of perfectly good already in game assets that would be very nice to be able to build with.
@Wak4863 has an old video with the Lemurian mod.
I am in love with this idea some years now… You never know
Wow that is awsome heres hoping
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