Xbox Patch (10.03.2020) - Followers Management System, AI fixes and more!

Greetings Exiles!

We’re excited to bring to all of you a long-requested feature, the Followers Management system! From a new tab in your player menu you’ll now be able to get information and manage your followers at a glance, adding a few new QoL improvements as well. Check their stats, location in the map, break bonds or -new in this patch- rescue them. All of it from a new snappy screen we’re sure you’ll grow to love during your adventures in the Exiled Lands. We’ve improved on this feature thanks to all the feedback our community has been sharing with us during its Testlive period, with multiple fixes and refinements

We’re also bringing a slice of fixes and improvements to the game, starting with addressing some of the most reported issues with Thralls’ AI, extra improvements against undermesh locations as well as general bugfixing.

Additionally, we’d like to introduce you to our new Executive Producer, Scott Junior! You can find the producer letter here that details things we’re currently working on, as well as some things planned for the future.

Thanks again for your ongoing support and feedback.


New Follower Management System!

With great power comes great responsibility! Following up on our follower leveling system, we’re introducing the Follower Management System. From this screen you’ll have at a glance an overview over your army of followers, giving you extra control even from a distance! You can access it from a new tab in the player menu. From this new screen you will be able to:

View your current number of followers!

If you have the population cap enabled in your server or single player game, you will be able to check your current quota of followers as well as the maximum you’re allowed based on the server settings. Quick and easy! On official servers, however, you will still have to wait to see this count as we are not enabling the population limit just yet. We will inform beforehand when this change is coming.

Check stats, rescue and break bonds from a distance!

From the management screen you can now break bonds with those followers you’re no longer interested in keeping. Just click on them and select “Break Bond” from the menu. Much easier than having to deal with the emotional trauma of doing it face to face.

We have also added a new extra functionality. Tired of those pesky followers who chose to disappear in the middle of the night? You can now recall them to your position (as long as you’re within your claim) to keep them under control. However, this power comes with a few caveats:

When they get rescued, and to avoid possible abuse of this feature, they will lose their inventory and equipment. After you have used recall, you (or your clan) won’t be able to use it again for a certain period of time (cool-down), and those followers who were engaged in combat recently will not be able to be recalled until a certain time has passed. Best of all, both timers are customizable!(via ini edit at the moment)

Locate your followers in the map!

Similar to the current feature where you can see your fellow clan mates in the map, you can now also keep an overview on where your followers are at any moment. Off by default, you can select which one of your thralls or pets you want to see located in the map. No more hide and seek!


  • New Follower Management System!
  • AI fixes!
  • Exploit fixes!
  • …and more!



  • Fixed a number of crashing issues.


  • Additional tweaks to the issue where players would get randomly killed when interacting with certain meshes or reaching certain locations.
  • Fixed an exploit regarding building pieces.
  • Deployed measures against undermeshing.


  • Follower management system! Command and track your followers with new and improved tools.
    • You now can break bonds with followers remotely.
    • You can now recall followers to your position if you’re within your claim. This feature has a cooldown and restrictions to avoid possible abuse.
    • You can now see your followers on the map. You can select which followers you want to be displayed this way and which ones you don’t (unticked by default).
  • Added the following ini settings to control the new functionality introduced with the Followers Management System (available in G-Portal’s web adminpanel):
    • EnableFollowerRescueOnLandClaimOnly=True/False. If true, players can rescue followers ONLY on land they (or their clan) own
    • EnableFollowerRescueInBuildExclusionZone=False/True. If false, players cannot rescue followers in Build Exclusion Zones.
    • FollowerRescueCooldown=3600. Defines (in seconds) how often players can rescue followers (cooldown is shared between clan members).
    • DamageCooldownBeforeRescue=600. Amount of seconds where followers cannot be rescued if player or target follower took any damage.


  • Flinthead arrows no longer require feathers to craft.


  • The effect of Set’s Tongue and Mitra’s Justice no longer persists until logging out.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause armor penetration to stack on consecutive bow shots.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Rhino King not to retaliate against attacks.
  • Fixed an issue with stationary NPC awareness that would cause them to be unresponsive if they had previously rotated.
  • NPCs should now properly switch weapons, even to melee, if their throwing weapon runs out or their shields break.
  • Resolved an issue where thralls would sometimes prefer unarmed attacks despite having a weapon available in their inventory.
  • Thralls that switched from melee to ranged or viceversa should no longer remain in a contemplative, unresponsive state, wondering what’s the point of life or if pineapple belongs on pizza (it does).
  • Fixed an issue where thralls would not follow their attack rotations and did no combos.


  • Fixed an issue where the Purge would fail to find an appropriate target if the player had not been in LOD range of a qualifying construction.


  • Sprinting should no longer persist after mounting and dismounting a horse under certain circumstances.
  • Torches can now be equipped while traversing water bodies on a horse.


  • Fixed an issue where mounted combat animations could be interrupted.


  • In between whipping sessions, our #spellchekker team managed to correct a number of mispelled NPC names.
  • Fixed a number of French localization issues for certain items and stats. #le-spellchekker
  • Added follower management tab to player menu.
  • Followers location is now displayed in the map (off by default).
  • Cleared up some redundant information in pets’ info screen.
  • The last option in gameplay settings should no longer be blocked out of screen boundaries.


  • Fixed an issue where humanoid NPCs would continuously play drunk emote animations and sound effects when idle. #idleresponsibly


I don’t have the option to update my Xbox version of the game yet. Any news on what time it pushes out?

Hi @vScorchedEarthv, welcome to the forums!

Is it still not available? What region are you in?

Still I miss the purge bar in 4k german version and the fake sandstorm is annoying still, but:

BIG Thank you for this really big improvement with the new follower management system.
Great work that looks well implemented and will be really usefull!

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Nice patch and updates but no still the main issue is still in the game, the Crash Issue, getting randomly kicked out the game.
This was happening at the start of your game and after releasing the game to full release its still happening if you can’t fix it just say (players we can’t fix the crash issue sorry) please as its very annoying you go away from your base thinking constantly when the game is going to crash and I’ll lose everything. Rinse and repeat… I have lost so much armour, weapons I do love Conan please fix the crash issue.
Again this is happening on all servers its not my Internet, I am on 500meg a rog rapture gaming router retails at £379. it is a 1,gig stream wired. No other game crashes but conan. My mates have an xbox x it happens to him also. Imagine your in the volcano about to kill the boss game crashes and your can’t get to your body because of the heat. This has happened to me 6 times… So please fix this issue


They wont tell players that the game runs like its loading from a wooden block because that would kill sales…i wouldnt have bought co ex if i had known i would spend so much time on crashboard reloads…

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Hi there!

Been playing since the free release on Xbox one. I’ve quit and come back several times. Would you like to know why? Your game has a game ending crash that happens anywhere from every hour to about every 3 hours if all the gods like you. I’ve bought ALL of your expansions and introduced quite a few people to this game. My question is why do you repeatedly ignore this issue? Every thread I’ve found about it has no response from anyone at your company. That is poor customer service. I’m a game designer myself(at least I used to be) you will never guess what I worked on… The original Conan game for Xbox. I know, crazy right? My project manager would have fired us all and then been fired if we had released a game that crashed as often as this one does. I’m not trying to be rude because I absolutely love this game but how can you treat your player base this way? All you do is put out expansions for money but never use that money to fix the core problem of this game, which apparently is a terrible memory problem or something along those lines. Is this just something that you are not going to ever fix because it’s been what, 3…4years and it still does the same exact thing? Are you not capable of fixing it? Are the gods smiting you because you angered them?? Do you just not care? It seems to be the latter and that saddens me to no end because this game could be so much more gratifying if you would simply assign a team to fix this. Alas, I don’t think the people who control your company care about anything but the tons of money that saved your failing company from bankruptcy, our money. Your players that supported your great ideas only to be duped into spending money on a game you never had any intention of fully fixing. I hope that you read this and maybe think, “wow, Brizza is right. We owe it to our player base.” But after however long it has been I’m just not optimistic anymore that you ever had good intentions.


Every single person who plays Conan Exiles.


Regarding the crashes and dashboarding issues, these are being actively investigated by our team and have been mitigated by on-going patches and fixes for some users, we’ll address more causes for these as they come up.

Should you be able to provide further information regarding the specific locations or actions that lead to your game crashing, please open a new thread following the guidelines shared in the post below:


There is no rhyme or reason why it happens. Sometimes I’m just standing there, turn to the left and I dashboard. Sometimes I pull my bracelet and it happens. Sometimes I’m just running through the desert or any part of land and it happens. Sometimes I’m being raided and I’m fighting someone and it happens and they steal all of my things off of a sleeping body then kill me and I end up at my spawn. Sometimes I log in and 30 seconds later it happens. Do you not have game testers? Those are key to locating and fixing bugs. As we play through the game it gets more laggy, frame rates start do deteriorate, game starts to mini freeze(2-5 seconds) and eventually the black screen of death. It’s a memory issue and you guys know that because I’ve been told that before. Somewhere deep, deep, deep, deepdeep down your programmer probably crossed a “t” when he should have dotted an “I”. I would also imagine that since you guys have rolled out 10 expansions you have compounded the problem. Because now it has that much more data to try and support and it couldn’t support the original game. I will admit, when we first started playing the free to play version, we were crashing every 10 minutes and sometimes just couldn’t play at all so at least you have made some progress.


Every single person who plays Conan Exiles

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So are we done talking now or?

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As suggested in the previous reply, we’d appreciate it if you could open a new thread for each specific issue you’re having, as detailed in the shared guidelines, and please try to keep it specific to the issue.

This topic should be used for feedback on the current patch and its features.

Ok, sorry.

I think it’s great that you have replied with this fantastic message, like you day is release I bought the game on PC first release then xbox day of release. It drives me insane how they over look this issue I really don’t think they will fix this as now the company is being bought out. And also they are working on Dune… I have been asking them to fix this for a while now on the PC and XBOX. What iam looking to do if it interests you get as many players to commit to comment on this issue the more names we pull in the more notice they hopefully take in… You game… Also looking to bring this to light on you tube…

This is a specfic issue… The crashing constantly crashing… 1,hr of game play to 3hrs…how specfic do I need to be

This has been happening for years I can bring up conversations going back day off release of this game that this issue has not been addressed… Its a memory issue. I am a computer technician and I know no matter what server you go on this issue will happen. Its not what we do in the game its not about Internet it’s about your servers memory issue. Don’t treat us like fools. Please… We love your game, so much I bought this twice both PC and Xbox the reason why we are so passionate is because we love to play this.

Push this with me… We need pull…

Please avoid repeatedly posting on this topic regarding any particular issue, as it has been mentioned it should be used for feedback on the current patch and its features.

Addressing crashes has been an ongoing priority for our team, if you’re being affected by any specific crash please open a thread providing as much information as possible while also following these guidelines:

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