Yes. new forum hype!

You do realize that by locking the steam forums, all of those trolls and haters will be coming here then, right?? This place will be full of all of the complaints people have regarding the game. Now, if the mods start deleting any negative comment/thread, that will just prove them right regarding why they believe the steam forums are being locked down, which is to control information regarding the game.

They don’t have to moderate the steam forums, they should just leave them alone rather than lock them. I’ve never heard of any game actually locking their forums. I have games that aren’t even available on steam that still have active forums. Now sure, like others have said, it’ll turn into a cesspool of piss and vinegar, but it’ll give people a place to release all of that. That way this forum can be exactly how you said it…“for fans, not for haters”.

I also don’t really buy their excuse for wanting to consolidate information in one spot. If that were truly the case, then why are they promoting a discord channel at the top of this forum?? A fan-made discord channel to boot.

Isn’t that technically why this forum was made?? To find people to play with, talk about the game, and share your thoughts/feedback so everything is nice and consolidated?? o_O