Why in God’s name are the religions so biased when it comes to zeal??? Ymir requires at least 5 times more religious items to create zeal than any of the others. Why??? Is this an oversight by devs or just another bloody stupid idea???
I consider it a bug, post over bugs forum.
Before when Ymir was introduced into the game you gathered ice shards from trees, so it was not such a hassle. After launch it become the same as other religions but the cost stayed the same.
Harvesting shards from trees explains the animation for Ymir’s axe. Currently the animation swings high so the corpse has to be above you, or on a hill, to harvest the shard.
Craft the Ymir headpieces, 5 shards, 1 light head padding and 10 (iirc) thick hide gives you 10 manifestations.
However, in a world where Aloe = Ambrosia, Set Antidote = Violet Cureall, Ice Arrows suck, Yog Meat = Abyssal Meat and Jhebbal Saag sucks as a whole Derketo rules with her stamina potion.
I play solo so hiding my base is a better defense than a god bubble I can’t maintain. The only religious weapon that truly matters is Glacier Crack (the hardened steel Ymir Axe) and then only if you live in the volcano.
Religion feels pointless when you can get everything you get from it from a firebowl cauldron (aloe violet curalle), campfire (abyssal meat) and carpenters bench (virtually any arrow other than flint and bone).
Lol but the pretty lights way to ruin the religions in one foul swoop man
what you say makes great sense. I use aloe soup for healing and my base is already hidden anyway. God lights will just reveal my location and be like a red flag to a bull. Thanks a lot man, I now have to change my entire playstyle plan lol
seriously though thanks for the heads up not wasting anymore time on Ymir.
Yeah, fix Ymir zeals!
You use to get ice chips from chopping wood. Then they turned him into a murder god and forgot to rebalance him to be in line with the others.
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