You make fun of your community

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [FR]

[Francais: vous vous moquez de nous le bug de l’arc en multiplayeur n’est toujours spas régler sa freeze énormément, c’est impossible de jouer. dites nous clairement si vous vous foutez de votre communauté et comme sa on sauras que cela ne sert a rien d’attendre. Le joueur 2 ne peux même pas récolter si l’hôte n’est pas assez proche et les village ne se charge pas . Et dernière chose a quoi sert vos mise a jour? a rien , rien de change a part prendre de la place. rembourser au moins les gens a se niveau la…

Anglais:you make fun of us the arc bug in multiplayer is still spas set his freeze a lot, it’s impossible to play. tell us clearly if you do not care about your community and as it will be known that it is useless to wait. Player 2 can not even harvest if the host is not close enough and the village does not load. And last thing what is the point of your update? nothing, nothing to change except to take up space. repay at least people to level the …]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
4.Tous Mode

Hey there,

There’s nothing we can do about the tethering distance in coop, as it is a technical limitation. If you would like to extend it you can join an online server, either private or official, in which this limitation is overridden.
As per the other issue, it seems you’re reporting performance struggles. We have opened a thread in which you can send us your report with as much constructive information as you can for us to keep improving.

We’re proceed to close this thread.

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