You want to know why this game will never be fixed?

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Its our fault. Players keep buying dlc and keep playing this broken game. We support funcom and any decisions they make by continuing to pump money into dlc buys. That has to stop.

If the players didnt purchase a new dlc every 4 months there would be very little financial resources for funcom to use on development. It would send the message that we are nolonger interested in pretty things. And want the game fixed, foremost over anything else.

I have gone from 60+hrs a week on conan down to 14 minutes a week. I will not buy another dollar worth of content for this game until it is fixed. I encourage others to do the same


I fully support you. I think this post will be closed today. They always close their posts when you ask them to fix this game. I’m sorry I bought this game once. I’m more nervous than enjoy it. Instead of playing, I’ve been trying to find justice at forum for over six months. This is total garbage, not a game.



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Not sure if not buying the DLC would incentivize them to fix the game any faster. Funcom only has like 4 employee’s, and they only show up for work once a week.

And since Tencent just bought Funcom, those remaining employee’s might just take their phat buyout bonus and bail on the game completely.


It’s logic like this which is why we ended up with loot boxes in single-player video games.

It started with cut content from games sold as dlc, even though said content was on the original disc.

It evolved to an “Online Pass” that blocked people from online play and sometimes content, unless they paid $5 or bought the game new.

After many terrible evolutions it eventually became loot boxes in practically any game you can think of, with the chance/hope to nickel and dime peoples wallets.

Many people have no willpower when it comes to things like this and game companies know this, hence why gaming has went down the path it has.


Conan Exiles has been an extremely positive learning experience for me. It positively taught me never to buy another game in early access again. It also positively taught me that whenever I buy games from Steam, if it has any problems regardless of how small, to immediately get a refund until I find out the problems have been solved. No game whatsoever is worth the headaches and I don’t have money to burn.


So true


Here’s why the game won’t be ‘fixed’.

I don’t have issues. I don’t, I really don’t. I didn’t see crashes, I didn’t see loss of character, I didn’t see any of those issues reported except for the server browser thing.

So here’s the problem when you all tell Funcom to test their stuff. They do. They do it internally and they do it on testlive. The issue with fixing bugs is replication. If you cannot replicate a bug, how do you fix it? Imagine you’re a mechanic, and a client brings in their car for making a weird noise. You try to find the issue, but all diagnostic tools say its fine, and you don’t hear the noise when you test it.

Remember this patch was made to fix some very major issues. Such as thrall responses, thrall health, boss health, and other things that we did need. Personally I’ve seen the game improve drastically with this patch.

And therein lies the problem. I would say most people are affected positively. Just as they did on Testlive. Yes I know some of these bugs were reported on testlive. But without the ability to replicate the issue. There’s no way to fix them.

So in order to get what you wanted, they needed to push it to live. More people to test the patch with means more reliability to replicate the issues. If everyone (and I mean everyone) tried testlive and gave feedback, you know like we are doing now that its live. These bugs could be fixed before it goes on the live game.

Are you all going to do that? Of course not. And that is why you won’t see ‘fixes’.

Personally I will continue to be the ‘problem’ as the OP says and continue to buy content for the game. I have had bugs with the game in the past, and I’ve reported them (in the manner they requested). And lo and behold, they were fixed within a patch cycle. But then again I was able to get them enough information on how to replicate the issue.

Its takes a bit more info than “I load game, bug happen.”

Personally I wish most of you would uninstall and go to greener pastures. It would raise the quality of the playerbase overall. A gaming community is always degraded by these sorts of fickle attitudes. So yeah by all means, show you’re not bluffing. I doubt you will though.


If you enter the game and don’t move, you won’t see a single mistake. You’re lucky.


No, there’s no problem. It’s libel.


Those do indeed look like some serious issues. However, I personally have never seen anything of the sort when playing. As a previous poster stated, if an ‘issue’ such as what you’re seeing does not appear for Funcom or anyone else, then I would imagine it takes awhile for them to find the root of the issue.


Just stop playing it


The flying rhino " is a feature not a bug". :laughing:
I play on PS4 and most of those things never happen to me. Most of the bugs I see signalled for PS4 I’ve never experienced them. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist, it just means most bugs don’t affect everybody.


There are indeed many bugs in this game and the player base is definitely declining, however, what you propose will not fix the game.

If we as a community decided to stop buying dlc content, I believe that the game would go the way of the dodo. From a financial perspective, if expences are greater than revenues there will be a net loss. It would be a poor business decision to operate at a loss.


My post was not about very sexy booty and boobies. Im sorry if you reaaly need only this, but i told you about mistakes of game.

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I don’t think I asked for your advice?


It wasn’t with bad intentions. I just think people should focus their energy on games they enjoy, to create a good community, instead we have so many talking s**t about the game and creating a toxic one. Why are so many players whinning about the game? If you don’t enjoy just dont play it, and if you don’t wanna spend your money on it, just don’t, nobody is pointing a gun to your head and asking you to do so.


Indeed, what in the world would provoke such complaints from people who enjoyed the game when they bought it, spent hundreds or thousands of hours playing it, and then got their experience slowly degraded over time by bugs that don’t get fixed because they’re not high enough priority and perhaps by changes they didn’t ask for? I can’t, for the love of me, think why these people would complain and want the game to be improved

And even if they do have legitimate reasons to be upset, it’s really rude and inconsiderate of them to complain on the forums and spoil the enjoyment for the community of those who don’t have to contend with those bugs or don’t mind doing so. It’s even worse when they create a thread specifically to discuss their discontent, because that just forces everyone else to come to that thread and tell them that they shouldn’t complain.


There’s an even more insidious logic floating on these forums, frequently called up as an argument against voiting with your wallet. It goes like this: if you don’t buy DLCs, then Conan Exiles will stop being profitable and Funcom simply won’t have money to fix it.

I’m not making this up – I’ve seen it before and I’m sure to see it again.

And it took me a bit to search my feelings and understand why I was tempted to agree with that logic in the first place: it’s the sunk cost fallacy. I’ve put in so much time into this game, that holding it hostage actually makes me feel something.

Honestly, voting with your wallet is the best possible thing you can do. If it actually end up sinking the whole Conan Exiles ship, then that’s a bummer, but maybe, just maybe, there’s a tiny chance that the industry at large will learn something from it. That they’ll look at what happened and say, “Hm, maybe we should try to avoid doing that.”


That’s nice. And it’s anecdotal, too. Look at some of the very persistent bugs in the game:

  • The Abysmal Remnant will still get out of sync and skewed, so that you can’t hit it when it flops out. It’s been months now. What changed? Oh, well, now it’ll also stop attacking you at some point, regenerate all its health and just sit there. And yes, that’s the situation right now, I tried it today.
  • Remember when fall damage got reduced by the armor. They fixed that. And now it’s back, except there’s no fall damage whatsoever. Those jump towers that people are complaining in another thread and using them as an excuse for foundation spam? They wouldn’t exist without fall damage bugs.
  • Thralls dying mysteriously while following you or wading through lava. Yeah, it’s hard to replicate and fix the underlying root cause. But again, it’s been months and people have been reporting it over and over. There’s nothing that can be done, right? Except, perhaps, adding better logging facilities to the game. Or maybe disabling lava and fall damage for followers under certain circumstances. But I guess nothing can be done.
  • Corpses that disappear when you turn around. They’re still there, just relog or force refresh. But that’s been there for a while, too.
  • Random stability problems that make certain parts of your build disappear on reboot.

All of these have workarounds. But having to play with these workarounds degrades the experience. And the fact that they’re piling up means that the experience gets slowly worse and worse.

For many of these bugs, that is literally all the detail level you have available. “I had a follower following me and then the game told me it died. The log says the follower died.” If you can’t nail down the bug, you shouldn’t blame the users, you should take steps to improve diagnostics.


I think the nature of the game and the size of the player base means that there will always be problems of some sort. That doesn’t mean that anyone should just sit back and accept the problems, but we should all try to approach problems from a thought out and logical perspective. It’s easy to allow emotions to cloud our judgement and we all need to vent occasionally. We are all human and we all make mistakes, including the team at Funcom. Please don’t take this as a request for anyone to stop being annoyed with the state of things or an instruction on how to express your frustrations, it’s not. This is simply my view on a situation that has clearly affected some more than others.