Funcom, where is your QA team?

I have never played a game with so many issues and lack of quality control.

Conan Exiles is truly a gem and could be one of the greatest games of all time if Funcom simply gave it a bit more attention. I was hoping the Bazaar would resolve this issue and provide the resources needed to dedicate their development team towards improving or even expanding the game but it’s done nothing.

Every update and patch has serious bug issues. Bugs that are obvious and nearly every player experiences across all platforms. Funcom literally does not have a QA team, they push updates and hot fixes out with zero quality control and it is kiling the game along with the rampant hacking an cheating.

Funcom, PLEASE get a QA team together. Do something, ANYTHING to resolve the hacking. We all love this game and hate to see it crash and burn like this, it’s truly disheartening.

At this point, I cannot play the game with the lack of attention it receives from the devs. I have to wait several weeks after each patch/update before dedicating any of my free time to the game because of how messy it is. At this point, I’m almost convinced Funcom is intentionally killing their own game and, after all the time and money I’ve spent, I’m almost ready to give up on it entirely.

Such a shame.


I buy nearly everything on the bazaar and buy the big crom coins package to help support the game hoping that resources would be allocated to improving the game. However I feel like all I am doing is supporting Dune’s development at the cost of Conan’s development focus. I actually liked the features delivered in chapter 4 and overall i think the game is getting better but the bugs are out of control. More than ever we can see a complete lack of QA and any display of care for the product. I know the devs are hard at work and really putting in the effort but are they getting the support they need? Clearly not! Are the producers just pushing dates without checking with the engineers about estimates? Clearly zero time is being allocated for QA which is a necessity for a product to be successful.

Please use these last two updates as a lesson for some introspection and stop trying to destroy this game. It has a lot of potential for whales and happy spenders to keep it a float. If Dune doesn’t meet expectations and you have burnt off all the goodwill of Conan players, how are you going to deliver growth to your shareholders? I have no doubt that Dune will sell well initially but will it be successful enough to keep the company afloat in the long term? Games have a habit of burning bright at the start and having massive drop offs if its buggy or not what people expect. The saddest result would be if Dune didn’t meet the success forcasted and Conan had lost a huge amount of its playerbase already because of lack of care. Be better Funcom and stop risking the future of your company over a lack stewardship of your products.


I’ve spent a lot of money in the Bazaar as well in the hopes it would go towards Conan development, which it obviously does not. When I spend money, money that I work hard for, on my favorite game I want it to go towards improving my favorite game. I don’t want it to be re-routed to another project.

I’m so turned off by this whole experience I don’t think I even want to give Dune a try. I’m about ready to blacklist Funcom as a company entirely because they’ve done such a good job of alienating their player base.


Sorry, but they’ve been giving the game a lot of attention for years and they have proven time and again that the game would actually be much better if they gave it less attention. They are wildly incompetent and give the game the wrong kind of attention - they constantly make stupid decisions (“let’s just take away stack splitting!”) and even worse implementations. It’s not the amount of attention, it’s the quality. If they would just stop doing dumb things and unnecessary things and focus on fixing the damn game, maybe there would be some hope.


They overtune the game like crazy. Would be amazing if they introduced new maps, etc. which would bring the game back to life and make it profitable again. I think they made their money off the game and now they don’t care about it which I think is very sad. I would want my creation to thrive not die.

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I don’t think any of the clowns ruining the game consider it “their creation”. The game was made by other people, the current team has never understood what makes the game great. They keep trying to make it “their game” with stupid updates; all they accomplish is ruining the game.


I play ESO. Few weeks a go there was annivrsary and someone from director team said that game got 2.3 billions from players in 10 years. In april 2023 I reported about a big hole in furniture item (a counter). After a year this bug still not fixed. I think its not about clients payd them not ehough :slight_smile:

Hi all!

I fully support everything you guys said earlier.
I have been following the game for several years now and am increasingly convinced that the game has been turned into a fan-service source of income.
I really believed that the release of Bazaar was a real chance to revive the game, as stated by the Funcom team.

I bought EVERY Bazaar item and battle pass, hoping that it would be a REAL GOOD THING and that this way I could:

  1. Support the Funcom team and breathe new life into the game.
  2. Get unique items and recipes that my dear friends can use, similar to the items of other DLC’s
  3. Get opportunities for in-game trading of items and recipes - for resources, for services between clans.

P.S. And at the same time, I overpaid the % of currency conversion and the commission of payment services, since I don’t have the opportunity to buy directly due to the damn international sanctions.
I mean - yes, I paid a higher price than players from other countries/regions.

And as a result, I was wrong about everything. I don’t understand where these funds go, what needs they spend on. In all this time, there has not been a single truly QUALITY update, or REAL bug fixes.

I wrote bug reports, drew attention to problems in dev-streams, wrote to Customer Support in PM, but I ONLY received excuses and ignored problems.
I was so hoping that with the release of AOS we would get the opportunity to travel between maps and new PVP-usefull spells…
After then that with the release of AOW i hope we would get full-fledged PVP, bug fixes and a new map…
And agane, after that in the new Age there would finally be AT LEAST SOMETHING…
BUT NO, we were handed Chapter 4 and some idiotic event based on old content and ridiculous finishing moves from MK thith TONS new and old bugs…

Maybe you had time to check out the new hellhound and the epic recolor of the armor set that was released a year ago?
What do you think - how long to wait for cases with skins for swords and axes a la CS:Go?

It seems to me that I fell for the biggest deception in my gaming life, I was literally lied to for more than two years…

I think this will be my last “Age” and game battle pass in this game.


It is worth adding that on April 2, on the day of the update, they appoint an event that… will now end on April 15th.
But! Only some of the new bugs have been fixed and we saw the first patch on April 11th.
Do you think this is normal?

I note that after restarting the server and the patch from April 11, my character turned out to be naked without a tattoo with empty inventory and lost a huge number of ready-made quest items. It was more like rebirth after death with the loss of all inventory, but there were no opponents who could kill me. I logged out correctly before the restart and logged in a few hours after installing the patch. All what I’ve been farming in between unexpected server crashes.

Just look, this report was compiled, sent and confirmed by QA in January 2023!
MORE THAN A YEAR has passed and the problem has NOT BEEN SOLVED. I literally lost 1/3 of all my chests at the beginning of this week because my wife forgot to reset the chest decay counter when she logged into the game!

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Funcom already knew about the problems with inventory and sorting items on April 2, in the coming days several players independently found a partial solution to the problem - use the NO SORTING mode.
Did give Funcom some kind of announcement about a possible solution? No. Each player tried to solve this bug on his own and if he visited the forum, other players could tell him the solution. The developer showed no desire to make an alert.
The support posted the same message: Thank you for reporting the problem, we will check it out!
You don’t even need testers here, just add an announcement that use NO SORTING before solving the problem. This has not been done.

Firstly, you are right to be upset.

But you can’t blame QA, you have to direct your ire of the Producers.

QA is given instructions, not discretion. The producers are responsible for everything.

Yell at the right people, otherwise, they keep doing the same stupid ■■■■■.


If I could @ the producers I would. They aren’t gamers, they delegate work to the appropriate teams in an effort to maximize profit and right now they are putting ALL of their QA towards Dune and none towards Conan.

I was looking forward to giving Dune a try but after all this I’m thinking I may skip out on it entirely because I’m so salty about everything.

I agree that the current state of Conan has cooled my interest in dune by a factor of, approximately, 96.925 %

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The issue isn’t QA. Its there. And they do actually find many of the issues. The inventory thing was known about before it even hit public beta.

The problem is their release schedule for bug fixes and the like is tied directly to content releases. Now I understand that some of these bug fixes require the content to be completed (new systems and all that) before they can be applied.

But the rigid update schedule is the main issue. We’re getting updates with fixes that come after. Not because they aren’t being done before the content rolls out. But because its being applied on later iterations. Like the hotfix we saw recently is a few weeks old. They didn’t just cram that out in a few days. They call them hotfixes (and some of them are), but most of the updates in them are planned.

This is a weird live service thing being applied to a video game in this way is causing quite a few issues for the players themselves. We’re not using software because we need it for a function and can ‘deal’ with the irregularities because its our job to. But players looking to have fun. So when these iterated updates happen, the whole experience (which is what we’re here for) is soured.

And because of the systems (I don’t mean software here, but the systems in how they apply resources and workflow and prirorities) they are using, it won’t get better. Its always going to be this progress of adding this, fixing that, and repeating.

It feels like whomever is doing the systems design hasn’t worked on a video game project before. But maybe has done quite a few successful business software suites. But that’s just my guess.


I do tend to blame producers although they are also just taking marching orders. However, It is up to them to shield the team from the desires of executives who are driving the output by dates rather than estimates. Producers have to set an expectation to the higher ups that will help them make good decisions for the product and the business. The decisions at the end of the day are usually driven by biz-dev people who aren’t game players or developers. They are business people who probably struggle to use anything outside of excel.

Its immensly common in the industry (Especially publically traded companies) to hire people who have no game industry experience but have a business track record. They often drive the studio into the ground before they jumpship and fail upwards. My studio hired one of these people and this exact thing happened. The result was laying off half the studio and watching them move to another high paying corporate job always lined with a golden parachute. Luckily for Funcom, they have some real talent at the company that is keeping the studio afloat. If they don’t get the act together, I can’t see how they will last at the current rate.

Dune will be a buggy mess. This is clear from Funcoms previous work as well as how many resources are probably getting pulled off of Conan for Dune. I would say Dune is in a bad shape and Conan suffers because of it. Will Dune be good? I don’t know. Funcom makes some great games but there is no secret sauce that makes a game successful.

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Lets rewrite somethings I agree on:

Conan Exiles is such a gem.
I buy almost everything in Bazaar, and I play this game a lot. My main Steam account is already over 3000 hours played. I still buy unlocks even if for sure the time I play would give me the unlocks fast enough.

But I also can use someone else’s words to convey what I already said about the “support team”:

QA is not the ones making the game. They are there to work WITH them, not BOSS them.

However another thing I have to say is:

The present whooping is useful to keep things on perspective to them, and we should speak our minds. But I was to speak I would say this has been blow waaaaaay out of proportion, and people are now blaming everything on them.

Oh, so I had a lights out in my home and game is crashing, the devs did it.
Oh, my XBox has all kinds of craps and jailbreaks and Conan seems to be “iffy”, the devs did it.
Oh, so I poured half a bottle of soda down my PC fans, and the game along with everything else is broken, the devs did it.

My thrall now looks like she has “boobonic plague”, the devs did it. Oh, wait, the devs did it indeed, strike that.

Anyway, there are things we really have to talk about “indefinitely”. But there are things we gotta let go, because it is pickle, guys need to focus on what is really bad first, and focus on that. A lot of things devs cant really foresee when making such changes.

One thing should be the foremost thing for everyone to start by:

  • Devs should not cram such a large number of updates and changes into one patch knowing that it is this mess every single time.

They should get a “expansion” to use WoW terminology, and just make new UI, new commands, new basic systems, so people wont have to deal with “new thing to do” and “new stuff to make it happen” all at once.

I dont like WoW, and Shadowlands made me uninstall it, along with Starcraft I and II, and Overwatch, after playing Blizzard games since I was young (me being almost half a century old that is a lot). But there is one thing WoW and by extension Blizzard always at least “spoke true” about:
Rate of change

WoW devs had three “eras” in regards of that. The first part, in which the rate of change was slow due to their team, the whole gaming tech, and etc. Then they got large team due to the success of end TBC and nice WotLK hype, they got TV spots, investment, etc. They got jacked and went on a “upgrade spree”. The era of “pulling a Funcom” so to speak. They changed the game a lot in a short amount of time. Started getting to do stuff it wasnt meant to, systems it wasnt designed for, just because they thought having the money to pay work and to hire “muscle” would give them enough to pull it off.

In economics we call it diminishing returns when you add volume partially to a set of “factors of production”, at the exclusion of one or more of them. So they added the investment, and the work in doing it, but there is the thing that players are part of “factors of production” in the sense I said before: Players are the ones consuming the content at the pace that their expertise in the systems the game has affords them.

So it becomes increasingly bad to play the game a player mostly dont know how to, do a new content the player is not used to.

To reference a paper of none other than Steve Danuser, all around WoW destruction lead design, (paraphrasing) “you gotta have a strong support view of the game itself, creating the game in a pace and in a way the game itself help players achieve what they want before they required to achieve such task.”

Funcom, right now is not doing “it all wrong” and not “it all bad”, but the things they are doing bad are really damaging pillars in which the game stands.

So we gotta focus on the eroding foundations, and not asking to paint over the cracks on the wall.

What resources. They made chests of gold on Conan Exiles, they don’t need money from Bazaar to continue development. Resources are already there.

Just read any online article about Funcom’s history and older games. It’s similar scenario, they make money and never finish the game.

Go to your Steam shop and get (free) Age of Conan (Funcom 2008) and try to launch it and play the game… good luck :crazy_face: …and it’s like that for years, nobody cares.

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Ya, give me a second I’ll grab my phone :roll_eyes: