You went to far with the whirlwind blades nerf!

20 starmetal bars, a fragment, for a pair of daggers that do 40 damage and zero armor penetration?

Even regular starmetal daggers are better. No, even dragon bone daggers are better now! Those are both cheaper and easier to make.

Comon, fix this funcom. Give the Whirlwind blades at least 48 damage and 10 armor penetration.


Seriously? That bad?! I haven’t even finished downloading the update yet, but apparently there are even more reasons why I should turn my PS4 back on just to press the cancel update button.

Yeah seriously. Imagine going through all the trouble to gather starmetal and farming the undead city to learn whirlwind blades, and then they are somehow worse then the daggers you can make out of dragon bone.

Why does the pendulum have to swing so far in both directions? Here’s exactly what they were thinking “This item was too strong so lets nerf them so no one ever uses them again”

on the other hand, the hammer nerf isn’t too bad, it’s definitely slower now, but I think still viable.

Seems kind of misleading to name something legendary, that is not as strong as something you can craft that is not legendary. Hmm…

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