Good Evening developing team and conan friends. I hope everyone is having a wonderful June 23, of 2018,
I realize many of us have some frustrations on things in this game, as we all ofc love the game, I personally love the game. I been playing for quite a while, I also played for a time when it was in its baby stages of life… ((those that don’t want to read all I have wrote, my list is at the bottom)).
With that being said, with my own personal experiance in graphic design, gaming art, and programing… (programing part on a baby level, haha), I just wanted to extend my great appreciation to Funcom and the developoing team of Conan Exiles, and of course, the gaming artist team, and and many others.
It is without a doubt taking on this beast, and the fixes you have to do, and the backlash and opinions of how and when, where and how to complete can be so horrible… you deserve recognition for what you do… I have recently checked the new DLC great content there, with the new structures, and artistic flavor to the game, thank you for the content as it was delievered nicely, and also next to nothing when it comes to price of… $10.
In my own opinion, the fixes delievered are great. I would like to capitalize on some of the things I’d like to see fixed, or are being worked on and fixed now (thank you).
Thrall aethetics are being worked on currently, I hear especially with named Thralls (I feel this is important as it adds to the overall visual pleasure to the game. Thank you for working on this.)
Game balancing and the crashes being worked on are appreciated as well. ( I do feel our weapon system should be worked, but I have heard this is also being worked on. I am personally excited for the dual weilding, but we should make sure are weapons remained balanced to the over all power of our enemies, as we get higher in level, especially in single player, we should be able to handle and take on stronger animals and or enemies. but I do understand the need to continue to keep it balanced to group players… again I am a single player guy, though i love destroying people in pvp sometimes to prove (long range, spear then melee = true emotional frustration for people especially when you do it all at once then skip away unharmed, sometimes
). game balance is a important mechanic and as you add things remember to balance, beauty and blend all of it into your game.
Some people are running these on older rigs, and don’t realize some of the crashes are caused by lack of memory, or hardware capablities, they don’t take advantage of the graphical setting menu " "… However, insure if you could please, that the virtual paging memory and the overall stability of the game remains sufficant… and do this on a unmodded game, as people sometimes don’t realize mods, sometimes break there own games, but if modders have a solid platform to already work on, it is then the mod authors fault and not yours.
Though people don’t feel it sometimes thralls in the game should be worked on… We get bags that show up for unarmed left_XX partly because the code is searching for a useable left handed item and it will spawn these infinitly creating some that are undroppable i see this when equiping a single handed weapon… this is a glitch i run into quite a bit… also take note that none of the thralls pull the shield or use or pull the a left handed item. (I hope this is getting worked on). and if we can get a better thrall system going this will appeal even more to people that love a single player game, and also a multiplayer game… as running into NPCs, is a conerstone in this game, it is a thing to do in Conan Exiles. quite vaguely put… if you bring the thralls to life. you will make this game very real. and very hard to for other games of its genre to compete against… how you go about doing that devs is a whole other thing your team will need to hypothesize when the time comes.
*keep cracking down on exploits or holes in programing code (ofc that can be exploited I have not found personally as to note. but I will make sure that if I do your notified. But again as I have played in single player this is more noted in multiplayer servers, as of course… it is found more on a multi user level.
*if you could please continue to balance, and if you could capitalize and focus on the building system, another cornerstone in this game. building in this game is addicting and fun for those that are imaginative and creative, almost as satifying as capturing your own wife ha. ahem. anyway fixing placing issues, and really stabilizing all of the building mechanics, and keeping the physics correct, and maybe letting things not always be possible possible, will make this game fun… especially in a single player world and a multiplayer world this goes hand in hand with thralls also. these 2 things should be your conerstones when it comes to the end game of the game, and the overall and everything, I feel they are going to be what you will achieve in the long haul.
so to shorten the list. and with my own personal priorities. I would say in simple form.
glitches, game crashes, and stabilitly issues. (the game must be playable otherwise you will not have a fan base or supporters… )
exploits in code in everything (we all hate cheaters, even you do, epecially in multiplayer servers and pvp, the orbs, thank you. even though it hurt to lose my stuff. Thank Crom thats over.)
quality of life (RP elements things that are pleaseing to the eye graphical changes “” making all the named thralls beautiful"" making the game beautiful the monsters the enviorment")
balance as you add items and create new features and fix things(if the game goes out of balance the beauty of it disappears)
Finally, after all is in place. Begin to truly focus on those cornerstones, Thrall mechanics, content release, broader DLCs, maps and dungeous, and combat mechanics… making are building system a powerhouse!!! and are Thralls nameable, real companions and a companionship system!!! and Thrall Combat System… That way when you get the core of the game fixed, if any other things arise you will be the fix them easier, and produce better content, more solid code, and you will be able to deciphier errors better with a clean solid game. The small DLCs from time to time is fine to keep us on our toes and it is wonderful, but be careful not to release something your game is not capable of handling, or is not ready for.
Balance, Beauty, Blend. (and that whiteboard you so hate and love at the same time).
thanks again funcom team and devs. wishing you all the best and whoever that read my book
see ya on the field of battle. (all i need is my sword, wine and food, and a woman.)
also to our players, the company still needs to make money… if it makes money… it will be able to do all the things you guys want to the game, so spitfully not supporting the people that make this game for you, and make this game fun for you… and entertain you… you should put forth something that will help them ensure, that all your demands are met… they created it… we are only using and living what they created. Be nice. dont be rude… I am purchasing that DLC soon that my small 10 dollors will help them pay there employees and motivate them to say man this game is hot, (((plus in return they give me a cool sword and new stuff the build so im getting alot for my enjoyment and dollor in this small content DLC…))). we need to work on this and make this game amazing for our fans… they can only do as much as we want them too. sometimes a tough pill to swallow (oh no i have to spend some money), but my words are true. if you love something support it! ($$). Endorse it (thumbs up). and talk about it (hey have you played this?). have a great evening everyone.