If a weapon is ‘useless’ because of a 150ms delay on a single attack, it was never good to begin with. Let’s look at this for a moment. One attack (the first heavy) out several (light and heavy combos) was delayed. And no one seems to want to touch it?
Everyone knows how weapon combos work. Your first attack leads to the second and then the third, and so forth. You can alternate between light and heavy attacks to vary up the combo a bit. With the spear, the light attacks jab without moving, the heavy attacks jab with a step forward. With most weapons the light attack when used in a combo comes out slightly quicker. The 9 frame delay ensured that the heavy attack was slower than the light attack.
So why didn’t they vary their combo to light attack then continue their combo from there? Well the reason being is there was no intention on starting a combo to begin with. It was lunge to hit and then roll away, then repeat.
It was a one-trick weapon with no depth behind the application. Now I said no depth behind the application for a good reason. The players using it decided not to use the weapon as it was intended, instead using it in a way that made combat… well derpy.
All the videos on it show the lackluster application. You see a group of burly characters wearing various amounts of edgy costumes (especially after the illusion change), rolling around and occasionally attacking, the guy in front of the one taking the video looks miles away just to get a few steps on either side of them in frame, and you hear some of the worst music possible added just to make the experience even more annoying. It looks like a circus.
They turned their own PVP into this weird game of bidirectional tag. It made combat look more like a children’s game some kids would play with pool noodles in the backyard. And they have the audacity to call that ‘skilled’ PVP. Ironically when something changes that they don’t account for, they cry foul instead of moving on. Or they move on to what they think is better rather than know. That usually entails to going to the easiest to use weapon or combo.
Of course if someone breaks the mold and finds a usecase for something they didn’t see, well you’ll see posts calling for nerfs and such. Because its much easier to cry witchcraft than to actually run some numbers or do a tad bit of testing. Its funny, you can see a statement in this thread that says a few skilled people test things constantly. But these same people will run to the forums and cry foul when something surprises them. Shouldn’t be surprised if they did thorough and thoughtful testing, they should already be mastering it, not calling for nerfs.
And don’t let them try to fool you with claims of game balance. They want easy to use. They also never advocate for the most underperforming weapons to be buffed. Spear is fine, anything better is to be nerfed, anything worse to be ignored and if you disagree you are a noob even if you win fights, because to win fights without a spear means you are cheating or hacking. The sort of bluster that gives PVP a real bad image.