100 hours off farming, Named thralls gone, Legendary weapons gone ect

Sorry you lost your stuff, King, bad news. The reason there are no moderators on officials is that, unlike SWTOR, we don’t pay a monthly fee. That’s something I appreciate having had two accounts there for a few years.

If you were on a private server (a decent one, good admins), they would probably spawn in what you lost.





@King1 This is what you agreed to when you purchased and installed the game.

If you prefer active GM support, you may want to look for a private server with active admins that suits your playstyle.

I am not against GM support on officials but it is very unlikely for it to be implemented any time soon.

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Where was your building location at? How did you do your build?

What does your full event log say?

Yeah, without providing the event log as a picture, its just guessing…

Maybe a purge for someone else ripped his base appart. Happened to me (thank god only 1 foundation) and I also did it to someone else…

But that just sums up, how bugged the purge is. Both things were NOT on direct way from the purge, but 1-2 wolves didnt care and went off-road, resulting in attacking buildings not on the path.

nobody can help you unless you provide any vital information. Like screen of your event log.

“100 hours gone cry cry” well sorry for you, take it as a good moment to start fresh with a lot of experience. I’d love to start fresh but giving up on all the things i built in few months blocks me ^^

@King1 where you near Sinners Refuge? I have had a base disappear from there with no event log explanation along with a another clans base no explanation. This is on my Gportal ps4 server. Since rebuilt no problems

Come play on our private server. We actually support players and restore things if it’s lost due to a bug.


Direct connect
or search by word sotk with modded Show Servers With Mods checked.

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A clan on my server had this same issue they build on top of Shattered Basin.

This happened last year after they fixed under meshing. They might being doing it again just quietly this time.

Going to have to reconcile yourself that you lost all that and you have a choice to rebuild or not. Nothing will bring back what you lost.

FYI - private servers have their issues too. There is no silver lining there.

Man, I’m sory to hear that. It sucks to lose everything you’ve had. And, since it’s on an official server, you’re really not getting it back, except by rebuilding :frowning:

It’s impossible to tell whether it’s a bug without more detailed information. The contents of your event log would help and so would knowing where you built it and any other details you could provide. As it is, without more information, nobody can know if it was a bug, or maybe you had an offline Purge, or maybe you built close enough to someone else and it was their Purge that wiped you out.

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I think the Moral of the story is play official at your own risk, if you encounter any of these kinds of issues, chances are you are losing that stuff. Join unofficial with a good admin and you can rest safe that if bugs happen you will actually get some help in getting your stuff back.

Would be nice if Funcom gave you a message when joining official that there are no active admins or moderation on those servers so atleast players don’t feel so blind sided when they get told by other players that this is why we play on unofficials. Guess many of us have that one story that made us try unofficial and not look back, Now OP has his. Another victim of Funcoms lack of server moderation…

This might be something you could post in the Suggestions forum if you felt strongly enough about it.

Yeah I’m on Xbox and after the last patch I lost two outpost bases they both just disappeared event log said they lost stability so I new it had to do with the last patch update one was near the Black Galleon the other near the Den the Black Galleon didn’t hurt much but my Den Outpost had about 15 named thralls I captured in the Den that I had in a chest that hurt

My condolences OP, I had the exact same thing happen to me a week or so ago, except I was there when it happened. I encountered a stability bug with pillars and when I went to dismantle a hanging pillar, the whole base - including unconnected sections, demolished itself. I was pretty damn pissed off. Funcom are garbage at support I’m afraid, and “official” servers are the absolute worst which makes no sense. E.g. Right now on our server there is a group of players undermeshing and stealing from crafting benches. Who designs a game with a client server architecture so badly that they cannot detect someone clipping through walls?

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yes this is a good server and admin are very active

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