100 hours off farming, Named thralls gone, Legendary weapons gone ect

My base was gone when i logged it, I lost mostly everything!!!

100 hours GONE!

100hours gone and you didnt know about decay timers? Or what does the event log say?

WRONG, I checked and it wasnt decay!!, Must off been a bug

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I mean this post serves little purpose in and of itself. All we can say is dam that sucks man.

Without more information we can’t really determine whether or not you are wanting input or sympathy or if you want to report an issue.

For we all we know you are on PVP server and someone wiped your base, as jot29 said was it decay timers? are you on single player or online? PvP or PvE?

“Stability” Logged in and most things were gone, IT WASNT DECAY, THIS IS FLAT OUT BS

You on official or unofficial server?

official server 1005 EU, PVE

Dam… I was going to say if you were on unofficial that you can contact the admin and they may help you or even try spawn in stuff for you to get back what you lost. Unfortunately being on official is a bit like being in a boxing match with no referee. Funcom generally don’t provide much admin support for their own servers, You can always try log a ticket and maybe you get a response if you lucky, and if you are even more lucky that response might say they will help you and not just say “Sorry nothing we can do”

This is why I have always been an advocate of unofficial servers, as long as you find one with an active admin it’s a much better experience, active admins help with this kind of stuff, Funcom often don’t. But hey you can still try, this isnt the place to ask them for help though, you need to create a post in the bug report section and ask about generating a ticket. Like I said though your chances are slim being on official.

When it comes to helping victims of bugs and glitches unofficial and official is a night and day difference… It sucks I know but it is what it is. Maybe if you get no help and you want to keep playing then try find a nice unofficial server so that if this happens to you again you have a higher chance of someone helping you with it.

Either way that sucks man and I’m sorry this happened to you, losing progress for no good reason is always a hard pill to swallow.

Yeah, that sucks man… But the whole base is gone, because some foundations lost stability?

Seems like it, Everything gone, Most things.

Can you describe the way your base was built? Ie. did it have much floor surface (foundations on the ground), or did you mostly use pillars and ceilings for building? I remember reading about a bug where pillars stopped providing stability and broke some bases. This mostly affected Official servers because of the order in which assets were loaded, so I never encountered it personally on Single-Player (although I still sometimes lose stairs if they’re built on a pillar&ceiling support).

Also, where exactly was your base? It’s possible that a recent anti-undermeshing patch malfunctioned and blew up your base, although this seems unlikely.

Game mode: Online official Server
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvE]
Region: EU

I logged out and my building was gone, 3 named thralls, 100s off legendary repair kits, Loads off iron bars and steal bars, 6 gold coins, Legendary gear and weapons, GONE, 117 hours GONE

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. I

What does your event log show? And for how long were you logged off?

“Stability” for about 1 hour or 2?

Just out of curiosity, how does this kill your thralls?

They were furnace ect thralls, Named ones aswell,

Ah, ok. Sorry, I assumed they were placed thralls, standing guard. I didn’t think of crafting thralls.

If the Devs don’t help me out then i’m done, THere is 0 point in playing, 117 hours GONE

Could you please provide the event log for us to see what happen, from the very beginning. Regretfully, there are no GMs on official servers, you won’t be able to get any of your items back. Funcom simply doesn’t provide this kind of support.


I think it’s terrible that no one even helps us players if we lose an item to a game bug it’s funcom that made this bug the way I look at it they should give u all you’re items if you have pictures

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