Even legends can be surpassed as long as there are others striving ahead. New technics learned or relearned . What has been done can be done again as the saying goes. Maybe there will be a stat pass on the legendary weapons before launch or after in a patch?
i think the meta will be
20 agility
20 vit
20 grit.
agility is much more stronger than strenght. Bow is stronger than before (now you can lock your aim and use charge shot), you can still kill people with 2 shots, you kill horses with around 6-8 shots now.
Your secondary weapon would be dagger which is a noob but very strong weapon at the moment.
You move much faster
Vit 20 gives you Last stand which is a pretty good perk
Grit 20 gives you another real good perk.
Because most see it as a pve concept thay has no way to be balanced in pvp arena. I mean the armies of zombies alone scream non pvp (as in the zombies will do all the fighting). Some pvpers want a true melee sword on sword fight. That is not to say those that want sorcery should not enjoy it. But it is not gonna balance some brokem pvp for many.
It does not decay in inventories. Only when you wear it.
It is standing out too much compared to the other armors.
It’s too easy to craft. Not even epic padding is required. 1 padding for a FULL armor set.
EDIT: It should corrupt over time, so its an armor exclusive for sorcerers.
EDIT: looks like my clan fiddled with the decay settings on my testlive server. It is not 10h