there has been these guys on the official server I play on with my friends and they somehow have been shutting down the server and somehow restarting my friends characters, they have been shutting down 3555 like everyday just because we attacked one of there members is there anyway someone from funcom can look into this and get this guy banned or something he just shutdown the server again his psn name is bk_lennon his main account got banned and his psn for that one was elostealers funcom please help
how do I do that kinda new here
If by “better dealt with” you mean will have some kind of effect in doing I would say this kind of post is better dealt with by screaming into the night. They don’t do anything, even if you could provide hard video evidence, which isn’t often possible even in situations where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what is going on.
I generally tend to favor the idea that situations like this are a bit more complex, since there is no game medium in existence that has ever been created in which you can not cheat. I often ask where the personal responsibility not to act like a scum bag is, but after providing proof of some invading trolls who were under-meshing (among many other exploits that were not as easy to capture irrefutable evidence of) was met with no real assistance, I’m a bit bitter.
The sad truth is that while you can try PMs or any other avenue they create to report these trash that can’t just play a game fairly instead of acting like they had no home training, you’re pretty much on your own and will probably just have to give up everything you worked for and find a different server. Or a different game, unfortunately neither solution offers any guarantee of a better outcome.
tried sending a PM said I was not allowed to do that.
have tons of messages from the guys doing it, just something needs to happen alot of people are having it happen when we are just trying to enjoy a game we really like playing. the guy is even posting videos on youtube of how to ddos conan servers and its ruining a great game you know
Trust me, I feel your pain, and it blows my mind how these people can not only act like this but even brag about it on social media. If I were ever resorting to such tactics to win a game I would keep my mouth shut and pretend I wasn’t doing it. But then again I was raised better than to resort to such tactics so that would never happen.
I was being ddosed by an “alpha” clan on one server (10 people vs a one man tribe and they did this, can you see how good they are) and they were shutting my internet down in 8 hour stretches twice a day.
Sent my router logs to my ISP and made many calls to them, they did nothing. I even got one of them to admit they were doing it in a text message, which I reported to Microsoft several sever times. Their response was to give me a comm ban on Xbox live for 24 hours for a few choice words I called the guy in the message, nothing happened to him.
well I gotta keep trying something or a game I enjoy is going to die I can’t sit idly by and do nothing gotta do what I can
Some of my friends played on 3550 a long time ago too and quit pretty quickly, telling me it was infested with exploits and hackers. So I’m not surprised lol
it’s just a drag that people have to resort to play like this saying they hold more power in the game than the devs
tells me new members can’t do that
sweet your the best
still waiting
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