The same way they have been so far: do the best they can and stay away from the general toxicity of the forums
I’ve seen people say that Funcom must be focused on Dune because they don’t communicate that much on the forums anymore. I have my doubts about that, seeing as how the patch notes show that the team is still hard at work. Having seen some really choice nastiness on the forums lately, I don’t really think the “radio silence” has that much to do with Dune.
I’m stealing “trickle down game mechanics”
That’s because both Bungie and Funcom are very much aware of how doing that would double the work they would have to do.
What 1000 concurrent players? Where did that number come from?
Yeah, I’m sure I’m high, that must be it. It can’t be that I’m looking at the actual chart with the actual numbers and analyzing the long-term trend, instead of pulling out a number out of my ass and declaring the game dead.
It’s really an enigma how a game that has been out longer would have had more time and chances to accumulate more players. Totally a mystery.
Oh, you haven’t meet @Franszn yet? Here: