7 Years Gone - Returning Player's Feedback

Returning player here. Like so many who started with the beta and launch, I left because of many reasons that I won’t go through here. Been back a month and I thought I would give my honest and direct assessment of the game for those who would come after this post. Don’t worry, I’m older now so this is going to be a polite posting.

To the players:

Sorry but Fury PvP really is dead. I tried for a few weeks. Transfer to Crom. In 1 day I did more PvP and PvE than in 2 weeks on Fury, and the challenges were so much better. In the past week, I have done content I only wished I could do right before I left. The population is more active, dynamic and inclusive than at any other time I have played. Also, Fury players cannot compete with the gear you’ll get on Crom. Oh and there are sieges that you will rip apart. But enough of servers. Lastly, if I could ask ONE thing from the current players is to reduce the Experience Needed posting in some way. You sound like the real world corporate. How do you get the experience if you don’t get to learn the experience? Other than that, the current players in the game ROCK.

To the Guilds:

The guilds are many now and fully renowned. In my brief exposure to them, they mostly understand to let members do their own thing and actively push content access. This is a very nice change from my older days. While I personally have never liked the concept of guilds, they have grown over time and you should consider joining one.

To the CURRENT Devs:

The best thing Funcom ever did was contract the game to you. While some may rightly argue with that, I personally find you are doing your job. Let me add one negative. GMs don’t seem to answer tickets. We play at our own risk even with a subscription. That needs to change for those paying your salaries. I even don’t mind the silly GM games in OT with guards blocking traffic. Just answer the tickets of paying customers.

To Everyone else:

Everything I have written is a brief assessment. It is not detailed marketing nonsense promo. I could be completely wrong but the game has everything it used to but with a much better attitude overall. Come play it. Return to it. Give it another go. Leave if you don’t find it fun anymore.

Nuff Said from me. Please add your thoughts.


Welcome back

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