You know, that all makes sense and I understand this problem fairly well… but that last image on the battlepass is certainly intriguing…
I object!
I did say that there could be performance problems in multiplayer. I was just showing that it is technically possible to build there, although i do agree that it could cause a few problems in multiplayer.
Well modders live up to add new content and more fun
Didn’t mean in in a bad way
Lately I don’t think Funcom lives up to the performance standards that Funcom is using
Oh no… stack overflow detected
Well they’re trying
They managed to lower the required GB’s install for example
So was the announcement countdown. Remember all the theories about how to interpret the glyphs? Pepperidge Farm remembers
Yeah I avoided those… but love throwing out a good tea leaf
Bold takes that are completely wrong.
Are you kidding me? They waste thousands of dollars on costumes, art, and VRChat models. Your reasons against basically amount to “Ew furries.” or you simply don’t want this to succeed long term. One of the two.
Yeah, @Alexandria, how dare you suggest that the game shouldn’t compromise its artistic integrity and abandon its source material just to cater to people who are known to spend a lot of money?! You’re either a bigot or hate this game and want it to fail!
Many of us picked Conan Exiles as their favorite game because we happen to like how it stays true to Howard’s work and how successfully it pulls off the sword & sorcery themes and atmosphere.
To explain it from another angle: I’m a huge fan of Tolkien, but I wouldn’t want to see elves, dwarves, and orcs in Conan Exiles. It’s not because “ew Tolkien” or because I want the game to fail, either.
Animal pelt helm like this?
Yes. And just as an anecdote related to the spending habits of said Howard fans - I have bought all DLCs, except for the Yamatai expansion which is not based on Howard’s creations. (I also refuse to craft such nonsensical items as a “Poitain katana”.) The same would apply to any content that doesn’t fit my image of what fits into Howard’s lore.
I’m not opposed to helmets or headgear that use animal head elements. Wolf and bear and lion helmets can be made to look really cool. But wearing a taxidermied animal head just like that is impractical. That’s a lot of weight that sits poorly balanced on your head, making movement in combat clumsy, unlike a well-made fitted helmet. The Pictish Brave headdress for example is decently stylish and still looks useful. But I guess it doesn’t specifically cater for furries.
Yes “Ew furries.” But far more, “Furries have NO place in the lore of Conan as established by Robert E. Howard.” Full stop. And I very much do NOT want to see anything “succeed” that utterly breaks the lore like that.
As far as wearable animal pelts go, I’d have zero objections if Funcom took the bear fur cloak and skirt assets from the Pictish Warchief set and stuck them on the heavy Silent Legion set to create another, more elaborate Silent Legion variant set
I’m a huge fan of Tolkien, but I wouldn’t want to see elves, dwarves, and orcs in Conan Exiles
I don’t know, that could be fun and could help generate extra income for the game.
They could do this by having a separate island DLC kind of like Siptah. Then if players wanted to stay true to Robert E Howard then they could opt out. Granted this could be a risky strategy though as splitting the player base is not a good idea for server populations. Maybe it would be better as a separate game or an idea in the unlikely event that the game became over populated. The creative opportunities are endless for all sorts of crossover stories. I agree these assets don’t already exist in the game so I have kind of gone off track but it is an idea
There’s mods for that more high fantasy stuff.
Or, and hear me out, people who want a Tolkien-derivative game could either opt out of Conan Exiles, or opt into using mods developed for that purpose.
There is really no good argument for alienating a big part of your existing playerbase just so you can potentially attract an allegedly lucrative market segment.
Every now and then, people come here with ideas on how to “make the game better” by throwing the source material away, and the arguments always boil down to the same two: popularity (i.e. how many people play this game) and revenue (i.e. how many people would flock to throw their money at this game).
Let’s take a look at popularity first. The most popular game on Steam right now, according to SteamCharts, is CS:GO. Therefore, we clearly need to add pistols, shotguns, SMGs, and rifles to Conan Exiles. We already have grenades. Oh, and make the maps smaller, clutter them with buildings and other assets, to provide cover. And no more of this building stuff, and dungeons, and logging in and out, let’s have matches.
What? No?
Okay, okay, but money, right? Money’s good, yeah? Damn right it’s good! You know what game is among the top sellers every year? That’s right, Madden NFL. So, no more of this barbaric crap, no more building, no more fighting. Football!
Look, here’s the thing. People say “niche” like it’s a bad thing. “Conan Exiles is a niche game, it could be so much more!” Hell yeah, it’s a niche game. That’s why I bought it, because it fills this niche!
There are so many games out there, an astonishing variety of them. I don’t go tell people playing those other games that their game should be more like Conan, that they should have more sword & sorcery content and not high fantasy or sci-fi or whatever they’re based on.
Maybe, just maybe, if someone starts behaving like that here and they’re gently told that this is our niche and we would very much like it to remain that way, they and people who think like them could take the hint and respect that, instead of doubling down?
Yes! Imagine the bank Funcom would make if all 90 of them would flock over with their open wallets who downloaded the above linked animal head mod since 2021…
It could be the niche catering to a niche crowd of an already niche game - total nicheception
Hmm… maybe they could also get rid of any open flames, torches, braziers from the game for safety reasons… you know… don’t want any fur catching fire.
Doubling down? LOL you sound like someone else.
You just repeated the points that I mentioned already that would not currently make that idea a viable option. Therefore as an idea only.
On the niche point (I am not saying this is me) but not everyone cares that much about the story, for some it’s melee pvp, for others it’s building, for others it’s roleplay and the story and for some it’s purely survival. All of these areas combined are what makes the game work.