A major update now

Guess you zoomed by the links at the top of the page.

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AI was working well even on crowded servers before the MOAP. We had a server wide Temple Raid party right before the MOAP and had a hundred thralls ALL working fine, and hundreds of landmines and an Avatar going off at the same time. Something in that patch changed how they work and broke them. Probably the bug fix for thralls being invincible under a tent, if I was to wager a guess.

Do you close steam down every time you log off? I set my game up to download in the background under properties, so that I’m always ready to log in.

It’s only by complaining did they do test and bug/glitch fix.

Actually… It was already in the works, but the complaining about them not releasing it before ‘holiday’ is what forced them to forgo sustained testlive feedback and just undergo load testing. It would have created less bugs and more fixes had people not harassed them into getting it done #soon.


I do agree as I for one was ok with waiting as like I said I was willing to wait as long as it takes for the MOAP as long as they made sure to iron out the bugs and made sure less bugs were made as it does make me wonder what the MOAP would have looked like once it did get to that point if it was never rushed.


Let’s use this analogy right here. Sure, you are right, let them bake the cake, but what if it’s a layered cake?? A good baker will work on ALL components of a customers order. While they’re baking the cake, they also work on frosting, sprinkles, decorations, candles, pretty much anything they want to have on their final product. A good baker is not going to ignore all other aspects of this cake until the cake is ready. Someone who does is someone who doesn’t belong in the kitchen.


(i am a little bitter at this point, so it may colour my posting. but i have tried, and tried , and tried to give constructive feedback ><)

Can we look at the ‘Mother of all patches’ for what it was… a clear admission of how many bugs the game went full released with. (not something to be proud of)

We where menna be thankful that they had worked so hard to make a huge fix patch, but really, the game should not have gone out like that.

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You should watch the interview between Joel (Conan Exiles Creative Director) and firepsark on YouTube. That interview has a bit more insight into the decision to release when they did (hint, money, and wasn’t the devs choice, and the money guys already agreed to several delays).


They had a very stable game with almost all of the bugs ironed out when they agreed to the final release date. And then… Combat Update, lol. Boy was that fun, but by Crom did it ever break a lot of things. 2 months of not having religious gathering tools work, only to be patched a week after it went to Live.

There has been a valiant effort to try and bring this to us in a stable and working condition, and the game is downright amazing considering how long it too them to do it. Unfortunately, each content addition patch seems to break things that have been patched before (the nature of the beast), and the current Testlive is no exception. I hold hope though, so I look forward to what comes next. :smiling_imp:


firespark as a lot of videos, and some are 4h + :stuck_out_tongue: have watch some, not gonna look over them all for a reference (be cool if you had a link + start time) so i’m not arguing blind… but anyways ;

Even if it was not the devs, and i have posted before that the ‘money men’ are pulling the strings in some areas, and i understand (Servers manly), the fact is, the game was not really ready, for what ever reason. So my statement about the patch still stands.

Firespark's Interview with Joel Bylos - Testlive, Mounts, Future DLC's, and a Surprise Announcement! He had it posted last week and the thread got locked. :grin:


Ha, thanks. Looks like thread was auto locked. Which seems silly to me, but at least there are less necros that way.

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Enyo posted it below you, so now I don’t have to :stuck_out_tongue:

They Baked there damn Cake and decorate it. The cake is bad.

I want the Ice cream that was promise with the cake. The game been out.

I don’t want more topings on my cake. Also known as dlc.

Come back in 2 months then, you’ll have your free ice cream by then.

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Can’t say it thought me anything new. seem i had watch the first part already, listen to the second part.
Very aware of how the ‘things work’ have even pointed out, with the DLC here, that it ‘fine’ it the art team using functions already in the game (and bought it all :P)… been on Funcom side when its right to be so, but will point it out when they fluff up.

So, the fact it when from beta to full releases with all the bugs was not a good thing, ideally, should never have gone out with them (yes the video may help some understand why, but it not a good reason).

Can say,‘well ,choices had to be made’ fine, but then don’t list the 500 bugs fix as something good, something kind… a gift to player :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea of dead lines for release in small companies is a hard one, if you don’t give the team a dead line, you get laziness :stuck_out_tongue: but if you have someone in control that’s just a money man, then it can make a mess of release dates.

to be clear, i know there are business issues here, but this is true:

‘Can we look at the ‘Mother of all patches’ for what it was… a clear admission of how many bugs the game went full released with. (not something to be proud of)’

Not saying Funcom job is easy, but i was not happy with the spin put on that patch ><

Problems happen, development struggled, customers (backers) got what they got (risk of such things), then forced to full markets cus it had gone on too long for accountants (Who are also doing their job).

But don’t mess it up and then tell me the fix is progress (catching up on development while selling the game as full release)><

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Do you ever do anything besides complain about this game?

Honestly curious.

I can definitely empathize here. When it went from EA to full release I was expecting another level of polish, but instead we just got a wiped version of exactly what EA had at the end. It was very disappointing, but I know I’ve gotten my money’s worth and then some from the fun I’ve had.

Games just don’t get that finished feel at release like they used to. Being online platforms that are easy to patch instead of hard copies allows them the ability to slack, when compared to what we had growing up. Details and content has grown substantially in that time, which have introduced new issues into the mix that make games multitudes more complex, so I guess that is why they don’t feel as solid anymore.


Games don’t get any polish from EA to full release because they have investors to satisfy in getting the product out in the marketplace. So whenever that deadline date is, whatever state the product is in at that time is what the game will be. Until patches and hotfixes get pushed out to “fix” it.

This is nothing exclusive to Funcom or Conan Exiles.

Yeah, I generalized that second part since it seems to be the new ‘industry norm’.

Understandable that this isn’t as high of a budget as something that comes from Electronic Arts and was produced in a fraction of the time it would have taken them, but the overall quality here is very good, aside from the many rookie (or sleepless?) mistakes modders have found in codes. Some things in programming (when you think they’re all straight) just like to break, so we can’t blame everything on the coders, lol.

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