A question about cimmerian berserkers

So I have a BEAST of a Cimmerian berserker but she is black. (I’m not racist, I’m just asking! Before anyone attacks me.)
Based on my knowledge, Cimmeria is a northern region both in the Conan universe and in the game. Shouldn’t they be white like northern races in general?
Or were they (the berserkers particularly) slaves brought to the nord?
It seems strange because for example my Lian, who lives south compared to the Mounds of the dead is as wtihe as my butcheeks in january.


who cares?

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Me. That’s why I asked.
If you don’t, move along.




That cimmerian is definitely a spy.

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Maybe one of her parents traveled around, fell for a southerner, and brought them home?


Mine says “Croms poxy balls”

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@rolee9309 The thing with the Cimmerians is they are the Atlantean colonist which came to the Thurian continent from Atlantis (a smaller continent or bigger island to the west of the Thurian continent). The survivors of the cataclysm- Cimmerians devolved later on and redeveloped to what is now known as Cimmerians.


It absolutely doesn’t change anything in-game I was just wondering. She could be even blue she just has to defend her leader. :smiley:


That was a hiatus in my knowledge. So before the catalcysm were they atlanteans (colonists as you mentioned) or a kind of proto-cimmerian race already?


Yes they are people from Atlantis, their descendants. Because they were already on the Thurian continent, they survived.


But I have to check the game first. Since the update I did not play and I have a helluva lot of mods :smiley:

What happens if I use a certain mod that adds building pieces and I built a quite big mansion but I have to disable the mod for a period of time? Will the building disappear or there will be a placeholder preventing me to ‘overbuild’ the place?

Sounds racist to me.
are they slaves just because they are black?
what’s wrong with darker skinned people leaving in the north?

Nowadays Nothing of course. But in the CE Universe it does not feel like immersion. Has Nothing to do with racism. Here to use the rules of our modern world is wrong from my point of view. The to made clear it was not meant as racism.

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No. Who told that to you?
Having slaves (thralls) is a core part of the game I don’t see your problem. And I stated I’m not racist I’m curious. But if you can’t distinguish those words it can cause problems - like this. But I said yesterday to somebody else if you find something ‘bad’ just move along. It’s a GAME :smiley:. (side note: I have way more white slaves than black, and my character has the blackest skin possible in the game)

But this is interesting. I remember one of my first posts where @stelagel told me I sound racist, but maan I’m a part geographer (my main profession is geologist) I can’t not think about these kind of things other than a geographer (probably I totally butchered this sentence but I hope everyone understands what is the point of this). And the only known way so far to have black people in the north at those times is the slavery or in the Conan’s case the cataclysm Kyr mentioned a couple comments before.


There is nothing written in this entire thread that sounds racist to me. I think you should read the dictionary definition of ‘racist’ before accusing someone of being one.

The thread reads as a person having a genuine query about the races in the lore of Conan and their origins. It has been answered by several people who have more understanding of this universe than I do. I have found the original question and following answers to be very interesting.


I did not want to seem racist.


could it be adapted? don’t be that bad with the poor cimmerians who are the best in the game xD

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Your building will collapse for sure. If you play SP then better make backup. Or if you’re a bit familiar with databases you can edit building_instances table with some kind of SQlite editor… But it’ll be of no use if you have some building pieces extending vanilla set (some 2-foundation doors etc.)

Dear OP, thank you for your post and question because I’m noticing this on ps4 as well lately. ALL people except the Nordheimers are either very tanned or dark-skinned,all looking like they have Kushite parents/ancestors. And my Cimmerians look like they’ve thoroughly enjoyed their well-deserved vacation on some tropical island. The few named thralls I’ve managed to capture like Noss and Amurath are tanned as well. Braggi sure could use some sun though because he’s vampire-pale.

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