So some questions on what you all think about bat “form”, do you think u can fly Hight enough for pillar base to become irrelevant as you would just be able to fly up and carry all the explocives you would need to top down raid the base.
On the video they showed I had the impression you can control movement but it flew up to a fixed height.
Looked like it could fly up and down, and turn. Similar to swimming would be my guess.
last nail in the coffin for pillar bases.
For official pvp raid rbh. Everything introduced i already see being used for easier offlining.
Gonna make those really long volcano climbs a lot easier.
They also mentioned that a single arrow will send you plummeting to the ground, set up archers/fighters at the top of your base and you should be alright … I think?
Would be fine if Archers were hostile 24/7 but unfortunately outside raid times they are just there for show.
Yeah for sure, people could fly up onto the rooftops of your buildings pre-raidtime, place bombs and just wait until raid time hits to blow them up, which is why we’ll now have to change how we approach pillar/apex bases, so yeah perhaps the very top layer of your base might be at risk but perhaps just beneath that top layer you have a floor full of fighters ready to go just incase a rooftop invasion happens? Not sure exactly but I imagine a lot of the current PvP tactics we have will change with what sorcery can now bring.
I see that a new method of roofstacking is needed in pvp
or you guys can join a pve-c or pve server and enjoy the game without ruining another players day by blowing their base up? Just a thought.
You will allow me to disagree with all the respect here. Fun in every game is individual, nobody can force his playstyle as best, or the way he has fun as best too. I am pretty sure that the player base that pvp has is equal to both pve and pvec combined. This is the reason ofcurce that pve is “sacrifised” for pvp all this time and tho at the beginning in my eyes was “unfair”, finally it is fair. The game must satisfy a great player base by providing equally solutions for all the modes it provides.
The base goal will always be fun for “everybody”.
Our only mandatory is to respect others joy .
I wouldn’t mind at all what the PvP playerbase wanted or didn’t want if it also didn’t affect the PvE player base. If we could have different rules and regulations between the two i’m all for it. But the whole illusion magick, flying, and magic combat and anything else is gonna be asked to be either removed or so simplified its not even worth looking at because “it ruins the pvp balance” but it also brings great joy to the pve playerbase.
All in all PvP’s “fairness” > PvE players fun and thats the ultimate issue i have when it comes to between pvp and pve.
it’s not about “fairness” its called balance.
It’s already bad enough on officials with pillar bases because you have to be careful and not build too much land claim because it gets deemed as “spam” by funcom. People can build jump towers right next to your pillar bases and jump straight onto/into your base.
Now we’re going to have people flying onto/into peoples pillar bases.
Obviously it would be ideal if PvP and PvE had two different rule sets and settings especially when it came to the official server Tos unfortunately though it’s never going to happen.
where is the balance in the game when I suggested a Hide Helm option and got a push back from the pvp community? Where is the balance when I asked for this illusion magick and got a ton of push back from the pvp community? Where is this balance when I asked for more decor or not to nerf horse combat on pve servers?
Many things I want or think would be great in this game gets a lot of negative attention while being wanted by the pve community. If its about balance we would have like 3 melee weapons, no horses, no magic at all, probably no thralls at all, and just reduce the game to bare bones.
It happens in almost every game with pve and pvp being a thing.
PvP suffers because of PvE changes and PvE suffers because of PvP changes.
I believe that both of you agree with “different settings” between the modes and in this, I do too.
Nonetheless they seem to “direct” this way making things for pvp “pve easy”. We all agree to remove the old weapon nerfs from pve. Siptah weapons are way op so either lifeblood spear, yogs touch, act of violence, lying bastard sword are "dangerous anymore .
I hope they’ll get there soon so we will stop arguing for these things eventually.
@Darkzavon I want the hide helmet option so badly that I would pay a monthly battle pass just for that , my Bella is gorgeous .
You can fly very very high. I know a lot of people have asked, but yes you can control the bat demon. You can use jump to increase your elevation at the cost of stamina, and you can control its yaw at a fixed rotation rate. If the bats stamina runs out, you are dropped from its claws and plummet to the earth!
We recognize and have obviously predicted this will change the PvP meta. We do have contingency plans in case this goes REALLY poorly on PvP servers, so we won’t let you suffer for too long if that’s the case.
However, we definitely want to see more real world testing and use cases. I look forward to seeing how people react to, or “solve” this problem through gameplay
If it becomes to much of an issue within PvP servers, will the development team be looking at having separate rules and mechanics between Official PvP and Official PvE servers? Which would allow more creative freedoms and less push back from differing communities.
Or is future changes going to continue effecting both servers?
I don’t see this being that bad ad a raid dynamic because you have to look at the entirety of 3.0. do we even know if momentum is a perk in the new system? If they take that away, what do you think these individual runs will get someone? Furthermore I think it’s painfully clear that they are not wanting pvp to turn into this hold up in you base forever. The bases have gotten more and more fragile which is promoting more raiding of bases. This is probably by design. If they get rid of momentum, the the chances of getting wiped isnt as high and there you get retaliation raiding and a whole new era of PvP.