Abyssal Armor - Balance suggestion

Yeah let’s just straight cut most of game content and have everyone permaequipped best armor…

Penalty of dying in pvp, progression, gearing up, leveling, traveling its all part of a game, why make it obsolete?

Yeah but in pvp, there isn’t a large penalty if death regardless. Their raid camp has their respawn point and they just go back and collect their body and continue the advance. 8 would prefer to see more pain on death…like you loose your clan affiliation or something outside of Agent Smith constantly coming.

When fighting clan vs clan, death means really nothing because you just respawn near the fight and pick up your stuff and continue on. If you got skill but they got numbers they can just pres their advantage even though you killed each of them twice over because there is no penalty to dying as long as your clanmates keep the opponent preoccupied.

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Just make it heavy armour and problem is solved. Anyone uses it puts themselves at a huge disadvantage. Less rolls, slower stam regen. gg.


I agree with those saying make it heavy armor to help negate some of the benefits. The gear itself is already a sorcerer’s dream - should make it at least have the possibility to become a nightmare too in the wrong situation.

Yes but that’s something that is already done in servers like Dogs of Desert for example, it does not belong to official server - vanilla experience. There’s features like progression, risk, farming, choice of gear etc.

Im not saying it should take weeks to recover but a bit of risk should be involved too, otherwise it would be dull experience everyone will get bored of after few encounters. I personally think that farming and keeping all buffs to fight is overkill and shouldn’t be that impactfull.

Yes You will always use what’s best but it does not have to be one armor - if good balance is kept then we can have many options to choose from - like i said armors should have pros and cons instead of excell at everything.

Meta will come and go, developers target is to balance something if its not par with other features - otherwise it will be pointless feature.

I don’t think it would be fun to have everyone run with one build, armor, same thrall and developers seems to go in RIGHT direction - it seems we can have choice of str build, agi build, followers build or maybe even more… Only problem seems to be that armor which is BiS, easiest to get, least to lose.

Before 3.0 there’s still some variety in armors, people usually go for light with any attribute set they like, they can go medium and stilll go well, they can even go heavy if do mounted combat mostly.

Instead of making more armors they could tone down abyssal armor, buff old armors which won’t take much resources to make.

Loot, fight, being sneaky, fighting, hiding, progression, losing battles, wining battles, farming… ITS ALL Part of game, game is not square arena to fight, keep that in mind.

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Chaning respawn time / tweak other features just to keep op armor seems like too much trouble to fix simple problem.

The main issue with Abyssal armor right now it’s not even cost or the inability to take it away from the player.

It’s best in slot armor for both str and agility builds and offers much more armor than any other light armor may provide.

Right now it’s best in slot and players won’t have any reason to even do any pve content in-game to unlock good pieces because BiS is already in their hands and easier to craft and maintain.

(Maybe the light armor tag is a bug? I remember it taking heavy armor padding not light for the craft.
If it’s heavy armor then armor amount makes some sense.)

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How about 5 minute timer vs 1 hour but it can refresh with kills. If you just avoid said meta user for a bit, they loose their armor.

The weakness of this armor is the temporary nature but an hour with kill refresh isn’t that much of a weakness. 5 minutes? That has a pain point.

if you don’t lose resources, then the fight will be endless.
no one will win any fight.
A survival game is based on resources. when you win someone, you get some of it’s resources so he cannot come back to fight.


not only heavy armor.
it has 3 bonus stats each piece…
this armor should be heavy AND usable only by fully corrupted characters. then it could be balanced or at least near balanced.

heavy armors are “good” in 3.0 they changed the damage reduction math, so there’s a difference of around 20%-30% from light to heavy

If it was heavy and require full corruption, noone would ever touch it, i would say leave it at full corruption and increase its cost, since its been reported that you cant even complete a full combo fully corrupted

i would say, give it medium armor values, and maybe a little of corruption per piece.

and perfected medium paddins to craft to make medium armor more relevant.
and of course it should be lootable from your enemy.

haha kholden,you and i know the value of resources and how important it is to break the spirit of your enemy. some people think that we should fight endlessly in a permanent stalemate where no one would ever win. like some sort of DBZ fight. and i say “XD” to that.

What is magic of this game to me is the WAR aspect, not so much the mindless pvp for the sake of it.
its about strategy,tactics and resource management. and most importantly, perseverance.

so yeah, the fact that you cannot loot the current meta gear of your enemy doesn’t promote good tactics and decision making, it only promotes mindless pvp.

Yup, totally agree! I don’t think it needs anything, buffs or nerfs. It’s like perfect. Just only need the tassels to be affected by wind and it’s set!

They already run around on the testlive servers with that armor :smiley:

Full abuse.

haahahahahahaha hell yeah =D

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Do you really want to see pvp elitists like myself run around with the best armor and weapons and GUESS WHAT?! YOU CANT LOOT IT. IT JUST POOFS.

Does anyone else realize how much toxicity this will add to the PvP builds? This takes away almost all gratitude from taking another players kit.

Let me be clear. This doesnt need a nerf, this function needs to be removedddddd. This is absurd people.


I disagree.


Only trolls want a pvp meta kit that cant be looted from another player


Then it should be nerfed so it’s not the main meta kit