Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug | Performance ]
Region: [NA]
If this is a bug, everyone probably knows about it already, but I can’t find anything about it.
What happens is if I bring a thrall with me to the Dregs and go fight the boss at the end; the thrall disappears in the acid that the boss is in. They don’t fight, they don’t take damage from the acid (as far as I know that acid hurts) and the boss doesn’t react to the thrall either. When you beat the boss the acid drains and there you see your thrall, with no damage to them. Does anyone have this happen too? I tried with two different thralls and it happened both times. Is it a bug or not? In case it is there are the steps below. I am wanting to try with an archer thrall, maybe that won’t happen but it shouldn’t happen with a melee thrall either.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Engage Abyssal Remnant in a fight with a following thrall.
2.Your thrall disappears in the acid pit for the duration of the fight. They do not attack the boss, nor do they take damage from the acid. The boss does not seem to register it’s presence.
3.Kill boss so the acid drains. There is your thrall.
I confirm your post, but to be honest with you, i play this game only one year now and since i start it, that was the situation. I don’t know if your thrall had acid damage before. Maybe @Croms_Faithful knows something about it since he plays this game more time than me. To the point, i don’t think it is a bug but a fact . Acid doesn’t damage your thrall but nullify it. But to tell you the truth i believe that this is a tutorial boss, for the players to start using shield. I remember first time i went to fight this boss, i took sandstorm mask, shield, 30 aloe potions and my greater hyena, Diego. I was so afraid, omg, . Now i kill it solo with bone shield, darfari axe, stone daggers and steaks . It is a part of my starting run and it gives alot xp.
Do you really need an NPC to kill the remnant? at level 20 with a bone shield and a stone dagger is enough to kill him.
What I mean is, if the NPC disappears while fighting, nothing happens, it is something of minor importance to the game
My friend i don’t think that @Alhambra says that she cannot defeat the Abysmal Rembrandt without a thrall, still Hugo reply, this was something that apparently everyone knew but nobody ever report it and to be honest, i didn’t knew it was a bug since now. So good job @Alhambra , thank you for reporting it.
This has been reported a long time ago, (in november or december) if you know it, but I continue to insist that it is not important, that they focus on more important things like the Hanuman chest, for example.
I tend to agree with you, it’s not an overly important bug and more of a minor annoyance. Far less important than say, the green or red dragon pushing your thrall INTO the ground. Or even as you pointed out, fixing the spawns at Hanumans Grotto. However, reporting bugs of all level of importance is of a high importance and thus should not be dismissed. So another @Alhambra
Yes, like @Oduda said if it helps Funcom, any bug is good to report, big or small. It will help the quality of the game, down the line. They know where their priorities are as well, they are not going to fix this issue before fixing more important ones just because it popped up.
But if they were not aware of it, now they are.
I can confirm that we were unaware of this specific issue with the Abysmal Remnant, despite being a minor issue it’s important that we keep track of those as well since when the developers are able to tackle this boss they have more data to work with.
Thanks for the summons @stelagel. I can 100% confirm that this is happening in my Offline Singleplayer game. The thrall remains submerged in the acid pool, and inactive for the duration of the battle. However, the do not sustain damage in the process. This was tested using a fighter thrall. As a potential workaround, if players would like some in combat help during this battle, we may or may not be better off using an Archer, as they are more inclined to hang back and fire arrows, as opposed to charging in there like Galahad. Well…thats the completely untested theory anyway.
I would argue the devs that this is a major issue as it goes to the heart of the problems with thralls.
They need a major pathing upgrade.
While they should take damage from acid pool they should be smart enough not to swim in them. Same goes with lava.
Lava burns. They should never be in it unless knocked there by a rocknose/voltarie.
If you run in the volcano, they should not teleport to the lava behind you. They can’t traverse any of the staircases made by the map devs in the volcano, so they often teleport to lava.
These, i would think, are simple but very important pathing changes that need to happen.