My experience has agreed with what @Tephra said above.
Siptah never had any biomes that had any temperature challenges unless you were naked at the center of the map. But for Exiled Lands Sorcery 3.0 just blew everything up for armor temperature mitigation.
Only the Cultist Armor, and the game’s Base Medium and Heavy armor at Epic levels really did much.
- qualifier:: (yes I know redeemed, and god breaker still work but those are end game) entry level got much harder after 3.0 for temperature mitigation. Especially when transfers stopped, because the easier to get epics hearth’s blade, cold heart, I think they are only available on Siptah. (i.e. eldarium recipes)
All DLC armours and even the Vanir armours, the Abysmal armor, and the Hyena armours all lost their cold protection. (oversight?? sure maybe, nobody said ‘boo’ though way too many bugs going on, the game was in such a state,).
Sorcery 3.0 really changed a lot of the armor interactions for console essentially reducing most armor values to near zero for effectiveness with the notable exceptions of some of the game epics:
Dragonscale Helm
Mistmorn shield,
Solspiel shield,
Hearth’s Blade, (Siptah recipe sword)
Coldheart (Siptah recipe katana)
…that epic Vanir helm from killing 3 skulls in the Unnamed City… all still worked.
seriously the list of things that still worked was much shorter than the list of things that no longer functioned. Even that crappy sword from the undead guard on the Southern Aqueduct doesn’t do sh¡t anymore. Although it was great knowing torches keep you warm and dregs goo torch cools you, well those seemed to be much less effective…
As people have already said grab the dragon scale helm as soon as possible, before that early game kill frost giants, and farm them for heat buff foods ( I hate cooking).
Power Level to level 60, and then do the Black Keep as soon as possible to get silent legion or redeemed armour.
It used to be fine because you could get Cultist Master Armour Recipe every 3 or 4 sorcerers you killed and that has excellent cold protection, but I don’t see the Cultist armor dropping from sorcerer’s since the witch hunter event started so… whatever the game is less new player friendly then it has been in the past for cold mitigation.
I do love the list that you made @Xevyr . Dude I don’t know how many of those items are still accurate, working as designed whatever, on console you are running blind mostly but I sure wish I’d been working from that “LIST” back in September when I was first struggling with the new armour resets. You are the bestest dude!!