Actual situation about heat and cold resistance (2023)

Is there an adviced person, who can clarify about the actual situation about heat and cold resistance and how to increase it?
It’s possible to find all kinds of informations on that, cause during the years this topic seems like it went through a lot of stages.
So is armor still a significant factor? If yes, is there kind of a tier list for both, heat and cold resistance or where can we get details on that.

The bars are outdated as they all show the same, you can also find people who telling you it’s now up to special thralls… As well there was an option in your skill tree to turn off heat and cold effects at all, but that’s removed obviously…

So pleeeeeease help! :slight_smile:

  • A value of 0 is represented as no bars
  • Values from 1 to 4 are represented as 1 bar
  • All other values are represented as (value + 1) / 5 bars, rounded up (5-9 is 2 bars, 10-14 is 3 bars, etc.)

You need 20 cold resist (5 bars on your stat page) to go to the coldest regions of the map. Which is going to require food buffs, a legendary shield, or a full set of epic armor that is focused on cold (Vanir, Reinforced Skelos Cultist, Skelos Cultist Master, Kambujan Shaman, Hyrkanian Raider, and the regular Light/Medium/Heavy… all assuming epic level 60 versions).


The bars on individual pieces are less than useful for reasons mentioned above, but looking at your final bar count in your status helps more.

That said, when possible, go for the shields and food.
Mistmourn and Solspiel are very high temp resistance and are general legendaries rather than specific boss drops such as the helm which this one forgets the name of.

Also, edibles/drinkables.
Spicy food and drink keeps you warm.
Iced Tea (or just ice) cools you off.

But when it comes to transparency about the actual moving parts… Many survival games prefer to be as obtuse as possible about this, in this regard, Conan Exiles is middle of the road.
At least fur coats no longer protect from heat while plate bikinis offered cold resistance.


Armors help deal with normal cold / heat.
Only Godbreakers can deal with extremes.

In general, eat and drink and don’t go naked.

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You can find info on armor resistance and food buffs here in regards to temperature.
If you just want to get starmetal for example, I would recommend the coarse armor made from fiber. It’s better than all the basic armors. Normal Light, Medium and Heavy armor gives only 5 points from a full sett, so you should either go for coarse fiber armor or something much better that you can find on the list.
Just stay at the right side of the frozen lake and you’re good.

Some foods are easily learned and does more than enough to prevent damage from cold most places, and ice is ideal for the volcano before you get some propper gear for it.

If someone’s curious about the numeric value, I did make a list like a week or two ago at the request of someone.
The wiki might also be already up to date, haven’t checked lately.
It’s just basegame items thou, no DLC stuff there :slight_smile:

As for the most convenient item in the game to deal with any temperature issues I nominate this lovely helmet I carry with me all the time with a lightweight mod kit on it :slight_smile: :


Solid life advice.

So far I haven’t found a single spot on Siptah where Skelos Master robes weren’t sufficient protection against the elements. In the Exiled Lands, on the other hand, the Volcano will kill you in those duds.

I placed a shield rack with Mistmourn, as well as a big signpost saying “Remember Mistmourn” right next to my map room button that takes me to the Volcano. Although, life got easier when I found a Dragonscale helm. The shield is good enough protection, but the problem is that you can’t use it while climbing.

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Consumables help a lot and are probably expected to be an important part of cold/heat resistance in the new system.

I personally play with authority build and used to use skelos cultist master (until I was raided and lost everything) and it was indeed good enough in most places with the exception of the extreme temps (such as bridge of betrayer). In those places I could take a warming drink and was good.

Ice, mulled brew! Somehow cooking still has a part in this game! These are working fine with me until i wear either the dragonscale helm or the redeemed silent legion.
Torches, simple for cold areas, glowing coop for hot areas.
You can still go naked, but there’s no reason actually! Fiber clothes with Torches and these consumables (ice, mulled brew) are way tested from me on official servers! Mulled brew is a pain to fix, i know, but it worth it!

Neither have I. The only spot that changes drastically may be the middle tower. However, even that isn’t a big issue. Kinda wish there was a spot I could feel like I’m getting some use out of my dragonscale helm. :roll_eyes:

Great list @Xevyr

The duplicate named items with higher item IDs are the epic versions?

Yes! :slight_smile:

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Resistance bonuses to pieces crafted with an armorer was removed in 3.0. Anyone still saying this is out of date.

Testerle auto-generates pages with every patch. All item pages are up to date on the wiki within a couple days of a game update.


Good to know! :slight_smile:
I just noticed a thing on the page linked above, which is why I wasn’t sure
The temperature page lists the food buffs as giving temperature increases of 9, 19, 29
Those are actually all round multiples of 10, so 10, 20, 30 etc. in both directions

I tested those manually. I went into areas of extreme temperature, wore piece of armor with known resistance values, then used the consumables and then wore various piece of armor to raise my resistance 1 point at a time.

Maybe they are supposed to be 10, 20, 30, but that is not how they actually worked. Armor with 10 resistance is 1 point of resistance better than a consumable that gives +9.


Hmm, interesting.
Yea, there might be some different interaction going on than with armors :thinking:
All I did was a quick check on how the buffs were configured that those foods apply, didn’t actually follow through and see whether it’s applied differently than the resistance of armor.

There might very well be some bug there or some logic difference between increasing your body temperature (which is what the buff does) and resisting the temperature. You know… the typical > vs >= oversight :slight_smile:

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My experience has agreed with what @Tephra said above.
Siptah never had any biomes that had any temperature challenges unless you were naked at the center of the map. But for Exiled Lands Sorcery 3.0 just blew everything up for armor temperature mitigation.

Only the Cultist Armor, and the game’s Base Medium and Heavy armor at Epic levels really did much.

  • qualifier:: (yes I know redeemed, and god breaker still work but those are end game) entry level got much harder after 3.0 for temperature mitigation. Especially when transfers stopped, because the easier to get epics hearth’s blade, cold heart, I think they are only available on Siptah. (i.e. eldarium recipes)

All DLC armours and even the Vanir armours, the Abysmal armor, and the Hyena armours all lost their cold protection. (oversight?? sure maybe, nobody said ‘boo’ though way too many bugs going on, the game was in such a state,).

Sorcery 3.0 really changed a lot of the armor interactions for console essentially reducing most armor values to near zero for effectiveness with the notable exceptions of some of the game epics:
Dragonscale Helm
Mistmorn shield,
Solspiel shield,
Hearth’s Blade, (Siptah recipe sword)
Coldheart (Siptah recipe katana)
…that epic Vanir helm from killing 3 skulls in the Unnamed City… all still worked.

seriously the list of things that still worked was much shorter than the list of things that no longer functioned. Even that crappy sword from the undead guard on the Southern Aqueduct doesn’t do sh¡t anymore. Although it was great knowing torches keep you warm and dregs goo torch cools you, well those seemed to be much less effective…

As people have already said grab the dragon scale helm as soon as possible, before that early game kill frost giants, and farm them for heat buff foods ( I hate cooking).
Power Level to level 60, and then do the Black Keep as soon as possible to get silent legion or redeemed armour.

It used to be fine because you could get Cultist Master Armour Recipe every 3 or 4 sorcerers you killed and that has excellent cold protection, but I don’t see the Cultist armor dropping from sorcerer’s since the witch hunter event started so… whatever the game is less new player friendly then it has been in the past for cold mitigation.

I do love the list that you made @Xevyr . Dude I don’t know how many of those items are still accurate, working as designed whatever, on console you are running blind mostly but I sure wish I’d been working from that “LIST” back in September when I was first struggling with the new armour resets. You are the bestest dude!!
Keep Calm bro



Thanks :smiley:
Most of that big shift though with Sorcery and suddenly armors feeling less protective is due to losing this little old thing:
Remember? the 20 points in Vitality that most people had :slight_smile: This, working together with the armor bonuses pretty much made it safe everywhere in your average “protection” gear.

Going into Sorcery, we lost this perk so all of a sudden things got a whole lot more harsh.

Personally I really liked the original temperature system btw that was much more harsh and you were getting a heatstroke in the desert etc.

Temperature effects were harsher, but mitigation effects on armor were also more effective and more specialized. (Remember the DLC metal plate bikini of the Guardian set that funnily enough was a really effective cold protection set, while the Pictish Warchief with all that fur on it prevented your heatstroke lol)

I liked having a different set of armor for each region and I remember carrying the other set in my horse and changing clothes at the “border” between the Northern and Southern parts of the map.

In any case, they were probably trying to reclaim some of that “lost danger” with this move to remove that perk during the attribute revamp



Strong point.

I definitely overlooked that aspect of the equation.
But I do remember coming back and seeing heat and cold mitigation completely missing from majority of armor descriptions when all other bonuses were removed following 3.0 sorcery but yes the attribute rework definitely changed the equation.

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